GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


“Be nice, please. He is one of the Broken.”


If ally could form in lfg that’d be nice

Well, I hope you feel better. No one likes me either, if that helps…


Thank you for your mercy.

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“You are welcome, my Friend.”

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here is the only glasses mog i’ve made so far. just something random to post to lighten up.
random vulpera female.



“Looking good!”


i never do old content for mog hunting anymore… barely ever did it… maybe i should do that sometime again

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“It couldn’t hurt.”

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In before forum fixing starts!!

Happy Monday!!


Don’t forget your free pets Daisy and Bananas at the game shop!

:sloth: :monkey:

Offer ends August 1st.

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i donated a lot to that drive :slight_smile: feels good to help people
except i have 500+ bucks in bills hopefully i can pay lol

chrisp’s gnarlsbeth

*note: a lot relative to my own income lol not a lot compared to say bezos

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i have to run torghast today on Gotnov to finally make my tier 3 legendary… haven’t got any legendaries the whole expansion yet… i suck so hard… why… i’m just a pervert and no good for anything. i dont wanna run torgast lazyyyy


Welp, back to the grind today. It was a good vacarion while it lasted though my sleep schedule is all sorts of jacked up.

I spent most of the week painting an Ogor warband for Warcry (which I’ll have to redo because yours truly built on what sounds cool before reading the rules). But it’s not bad. I re-learned a ton of things about mini painting I’d forgotten since I last seriously painted and can now apply them moving forward.

What I dread though, is logging back into work and finding out some terrible kind of news…anyone else experience that after a vacation or is it just me?

Either way, I guess I’ll just have to wait for another hour or so and find out.

Have a happy Monday, everyone!


Good morning


Hello. I hope everyone is doing well today.

I kept telling myself I needed to write last night but by the time I did it was 1:30


I will be away for the next few months and wanted to say…

I hope everyone enjoys their time both on and off of Azeroth.


hope to see you again Izzabelle.

I made the crappiest possible legendary for my playstyle… the one that resurrects me after i die based on how much healing I did in spirit of redemption… useless to a soloer and takes skill to heal a lot to get decent health after I die in groups and yet a lack of skill to die in the first place…

whatever I’m silly.

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Be safe my sister in sneakyness.

You’re a wonderful elf, we’ll keep the carrot cake and inferno punch stocked for your return



I am afraid… So many scary people