Maybe I will order some melatonin then.
Hi Malochai also.
Maybe I will order some melatonin then.
Hi Malochai also.
Psh. I have a Gnome warlock named Flappjack (after Flapjack from thr old show Amazing Adventures of Flapjack). Making a big glowy green cauldron of cookies doesn’t make you bad…especially if they’re made of bear souls!
Have you tried deep breathing excercises and meditation?
I reccommend listening to Chopin’s Preludes and Nocturnes. It’s unbelievably trancendental and the deep breathing can and often does help assuage any emotional, mental, and even physical turmoil you may be experiencing.
Did you tell him it has more content and a better end game ?
Saunters in
Howdy folks, how’s everyone this fine evenin?
pops his head out of Surfy’s pocket, sees Alex as his eyes widen in alarm
Watch out!
runs over with a pail of water and throws it on Alex
YAY! You’re not on fire anymore!
climbs back into Surfy’s pocket for a tasty and a nap with his favorite blankie
Welcome. That guild name will go over well with a certain tauren. LOL!
hi Penumbrae, hi Waidmann, hi Alexizonfire.
Elmer I dunno if Chopin would work for me but maybe I will try it some time.
hunters in tbc are the Bane of my existence right now
I remember deadzoning them on my holy priest lol good times
I miss the deadzone, it’s kind of bs how they are now just better than casters in every way since they can’t be interrupted and get a lot of instant shots.
For Chrisp, here’s Chopin’s Noctures which remind me of a warm summer’s night after a thunderstorm
Here are his Preludes
Thank you Elmer I will listen while I play a game or something.
thats a skill i need to work on lol
but on this server it’s always hunters starting all out wars every time thinks calm down
and the always wate tell there is like 20 reinforcements that the get behined very dishonorable tactics
Anytime! I also strongly reccommend deep breathing exercises for emotional, physical, and mental stress.
Best part is that the more you do it, the more instinctual it becomes so that when you begin to feel distressed, you automatically slip into your breathing exercises.
Hearty chuckle
Aah, miss Cindylou, we meet again!
Lovely seein’ you.
… What… Just happened…?
Burst in flames again
Eh… It always comes back anyway…
pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket, gives Alex a stern look, reaches back into Surfy’s pocket and comes back out with a fire hose
Get ready!
“Welcome to our Realm of Insanity.”
Well that’s stupid. I tried to post on Evil Elmer and it says new characters are limited to three replies in a thread?
When did that happen?
“Just go read a couple of posts in other threads with him, and give a few likes, and he won’t be considered new any more.”