“The year has been screwy, many don’t got the means or mind to be in a place like Azeroth at this time. Not me though, I probably won’t ever be going, this is home base to me.”
“Plenty in the game, that’s why the Lounge is so empty. I have been all alone for the most part.”
" " before and after gives me old Lycos and Yahoo Role playing chat room vibes.
“Sorry to confuse you. I am not RPing.”
No biggie, when we were out of character or needed to communicate about something, using " " was a universal method of use.
“You’ll be back soon enough soldier, don’t let the slog bring you down. Your a tough one, and people heal fast.”
“Your the only yahoo one here lass, this is real.”
“I always rp, even to this one’s exasperation. I can’t help it, I can only write these soldiers as they are!”
Yahoo is a news website, don’t be rude.
“We learned how to read typos in here, very quickly. No big deal.”
“Making fun of a man of a military background? How would Stormwind have survived? Don’t test me, I can always get much crazier.”
“It’s time for my soldiers to hit the rack, I’ll be calling in a bird.”
Goulgrim pulls forth a gun and fired a blue flare into the sky calling forth a gyrocopter.
“That’s it for me, good luck.”
Goulgrim bows before a rope lowers down outside. With a short jump through the window, Goulgrim grabs the rope and it lifted away.
Happy Monday!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
i was feeling a bit icky from many pills… and instead of taking MORE pills to try and ease the puky feeling, i decided that maybe a gingerbread man would help
(ginger is meant to help nausea… right?)
his mouth was between his arms for some reason… but he was still tasty.
I did my first ever raid last night and I had so much fun lol. I forgot to change out to raid talents though but it was LFR so I guess it wasn’t too bad. I got a Memory thing that’s the best for me so that’s really good. I haven’t done the Runecarver thing yet so…I haaaate Torghast though.
Still fun!
drops to all fours like an adorable puppy and growls at Cyndi’s arm in a mencacingly cute manner
You better get better soon, Cyndi’s arm! Or ELSE…you don’t get to eat any of my candy cane flavored like Cyndi does!
Pops in to say hello to all in the gd lounge thread!
ChrisP exists, lonely, maybe sinful or bad or evil i dunno
or maybe just lonely
a mild case of misery
no real prospects of life getting better just dreams or fantasies of happiness
it’s not like i have to work, but i also don’t think i can get a job anyway
i’m just rotten maybe or maybe just different
i’m so sad
oh well
no point in whining to internet strangers who will never really know me
WoW makes me hurt to play so not really relief in that
think it’s the killing that hurts
so i don’t think i seen a gnome yet in sl the only logical conclusion to that is gnomes don’t have souls!
Have you even gone to Ardenweald? With their snarkiness and sass and general well-meaning, it is quite clear that Faeries are, indeed, Gnome spirits!
Best to make a quick 5 person group from group finder and you’ll have any floor done in no time!
i assume they are a servant race created by the winter queen but maybe you’re right /gasp