GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

i’ve got two sets of sliding doors already, so i’m not against them… i just don’t think i’m motivated enough to do it.

…i’m just feeling really apathetic about this last room.
it broke me :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Note my edit.”

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i had a couple of attempts at spiral staircases… i’m just not technically gifted enough (or i WAY overthink things and get frustrated)

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“Pole, spring, steps. It’s really that easy.”

“Get a small pole, glue metal rings to it, spaced equally apart. Then add the steps, one to each ring, then add the outside railing. Uprights can be made with round toothpicks, and the rail can be Flower Arrangement Wire type of stuff. The Stair Stringer/Riser can be made of Cardboard or thick Paper.”

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“Also, if you make the Stair Riser, and attach the Steps, first, it will be easier to line them up with the rings on the pole, and make them align properly.”

MAN… i never create anything c ool in real life… you guys are way cooler at that than me… and most things i guess


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“Just buy a big canvas, and some paint. Throw the paint at the canvas, and call it Abstract Art.”


heh… yeah.
umm… hope everyone’s ok.


“Just remember to open the cans first. You can soak sponges in paint, and other stuff, and throw them at the canvas too. Squirt Guns work great too, if you have thin paint.”

“You can also use a long string, soaked in paint, and placed, randomly, with loops, and stuff, on one side of a piece of paper, with one end sticking out, then fold the paper in half, hold it down, and pull out the string. It’s called String Art, and looks really cool.”

“I love making those, using black light paint, on black paper.”

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i only made art when i was in mental wards, lol.

and in my imagination or dreams i guess.

my mind is very dim these days i pretty much just live stream of consciousness i don’t really see much wrong with that. but i used to see everything wrong with it… i dunno… maybe i do still see some things wrong with it… maybe i screwed everything up by not thinking… or maybe by overthinking… i dunno. i doubt overthinking is a sin but then again i almost died from criticising myself like that.


“EVERYTHING in Moderation… This includes Thinking. Too much, OR too little, of ANYTHING, can be bad.”


i’m just terrible at anything which involves symmetry.
…and working on small scale, a fraction of a mm throws everything out, and it gets worse and worse as each layer builds.
i LOVE the spiral cases made with ornate wooden fan blades, and have killed quite a few fans trying to make one :zipper_mouth_face:

i’m almost at the point where i’m thinking of just throwing a ladder in there.
i can make those!
i didn’t really think the stairs through before i put everything else in, and the ground floor has a large cube bookcase where part of the stairs should be.

i don’t think anything through… i just get excited and do stuff, and then have to build around all the mistakes made from rushing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


“I just thought of something… What about a Lift, like a Pantry Lift, where the Door slides up, instead of to the side? That would fit on that wall, and be easy to create.”

“It would be easy to make a working one too, since it operates with a simple pulley system.”

my biggest barrier is the alignment… there’s no space towards the rear wall downstairs, so it would have to be in a strange positioning with where the hole is… i’ll see if i can get some pics in the morning, there’s not enough light in there to get pics at the moment… it’s hard to explain.
whatever goes there, also needs to give access to the second floor on the way up too, but the 2nd floor access from the hole is on the right and towards the front, so spiral would be ideal

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“Pics will help me A LOT, with trying to help you. I was just thinking, that I wish I could see the project, like you do, so I could be better at what I know.”

“I hope that made sense.”

“Just thinking… A Lift can be open on all sides, so you can put the other doors on different walls.”

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“Oh Goddess!!! It just hit me!!! Make the Lift ROUND, like a Spiral Staircase, and the cylinder can turn, so the door can be anywhere up the wall!!!”
/happy grin

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i’ve got a good variety of clear acrylic i can use
solid stuff, and stuff which is thin enough to make a tube out of.
a clear tube might work, if the structure can be seen through, it won’t feel as intrusive or hide anything which ends up behind it

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“Sounds PERFECT to me.”
/happy grin

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“Here’s an idea… Make the outer tube, put it in place, and mark where you need the doors to be. Pull it out, cut the doors, and set/glue it in place. Then make the Lift, a shade smaller, attache a cord to the top center, which will go up to the pulley system at the top. This is also where you can place a motor, if you wish to mechanize it. The Lift will have one door, that you can turn towards the opening, so the passenger can exit, or enter.”


pops his head out of Surfy’s pocket and hands Nobully a youtube link

pops back into Surfy’s pocket and snurfles happily