GD forum Bingo

Self awareness goes a long way in this regard. I’m under no illusion that I’m making a ton of friends on the forums for example.



You have a very good perspective on things. Zero issues with Sendryn, she’s cool to me, but I just wanted to point out I like your words here.


Yeah this is me. I never hated this person. Matter of fact, I really liked them. However, when they attacked me twice here on the forums, when I wasn’t even talking to them and invented stuff in their head that I said and meant, then I was done. Ignored forever.

And I know she wants to flatter herself into thinking she’s the victim, that I hate her, that she lives in my head “rent free” (all are untrue) but she started the drama and now she’s salty that I won’t engage with her anymore. She responds to me all the time, not the other way around, even though I’ve told her she’s on ignore.

If anything, I live in her head rent free since she’s constantly trying to get my attention.


Has “wow killer” been mentioned? That seems to be a regular topic.

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every time I made a post on an alt it was a legitimate concern of mine and a rano would always come in the comment section saying

“Got another one for my forum bingo card, Thanks op”

So as fun as your idea sounds it triggered me a little.

some folks come at you like this just to shield their own trolling

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I’m not hard biting I’m play biting.

There is a difference. Play biting is very gentle bites!

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I am anti Tovi bashing and Pro Tovi. I mean, the name itself has likeability. say it to yourself… Tovi… Tovi - it’s super enjoyable.

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lol you’re so weird.

I mean that as a compliment.


I take it as a compliment too! I’m just slightly off center. :slight_smile:


I never attacked you. And it was only one conversation that turned into an argument that I tried to diffuse, because I communicated poorly. But you weren’t having it. And I kept trying to fix it.

And I’m still open to trying to fix things if you ever want to.

I was never talking about you in those posts. You aren’t part of that harassment group.

I’m not the one making jabs at you. I’m either responding benignly in threads because your posts have good points that need to be addressed or, just here, trying to fix things with us.

Regardless of how upset you are with me, we still do agree on quite a few things. And I’m not going to just stop agreeing with you because of that.

no such thing it’s for the most part just weaponized bs

Oh, it is. You aren’t part of it, so you don’t know what I’m talking about. Others do. They were even called out for their behavior in another thread a couple months ago by other people, but of course that was deleted. I largely ignore them. Until one of them starts this type of thing for no reason.

I know. :slight_smile: I’m being ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous. Sometimes that’s my hobby.
:fox_face: :heart:


Oh hehe got ya!

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It is a good hobby! :smiley:

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Anything referring to the game/story/content being “woke”


“Echo chamber”

“Free speech”

“War on flying”

“Devs _____” (something inflammatory.)

We’re going to need a bigger Bingo card!

Edited to add: “New Blizzard”

Hey I was unflagged!
Bingos back on the menu boys!

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We need housing
I can’t get into M+
Blah blah blah Toxic Blah Blah
Unofficial playable weird nihilist mashup character thread.
Item X wont drop for me.