Gaviin WOW51900325 and BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 errors

Sorry to bring this thread back, but I was having the same issue. So I followed the advice of running a scan and repair, and now I keep getting a BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error right at the end of that process. Can’t even launch the game anymore.

EDIT: I decided to delete my interface and WTF folders, along with cache, and re-run the scan. Now it’s stuck in a non-stop scan and repair loop. It completes the process, a notice pops up that says “Scan complete. Starting repair update.”, then it goes right back into another scan.

Probably just going to completely uninstall and reinstall at this point. Never figured scan and repair would render everything non-functional. Ridiculous.

Hey there Gaviin,

I moved this post to a new one since it may not be related to the thread it was originally on.

That is odd sounding to get the BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error after the WOW51900325 error when logging in. The original error looks to be related to either damaged files or a UI issue, such as add-ons interfering. A connection problem may be possible too. That BB8 error is typically due to damaged files, an interfering program, or connection problem somewhere.

If you try that reinstall and still have a problem, try a different connection or even a hotspot/tether with a mobile device. That’s just for testing but should help if it’s something going on with bad data either from the network or ISP causing issues.

Thanks for moving this into a new thread. I did do the full uninstall/reinstall last night. The game was seemingly back to running fine, but just now, I received another WOW51900325 “you’ve been disconnected” error on the character select screen after logging out of one of my toons. To be clear, I wasn’t actually disconnected – the error message just popped up.

So this problem wasn’t solved by a completely fresh install. My ISP has remained the same for years (AT&T Uverse), so not sure how that would be impacting anything. I don’t have the option of using a mobile hotspot or other internet connection.


Definitely strange to see an error like that one. Does this WOW51900325 error happen each time you reach the character select screen, or is it random? Is it specific to one character?

Might be good to try restart the network and disable background applications as a precaution in case something is interfering with the game’s connection.

Let us know how things are going. Cheers!

I’m getting the BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error when trying to install the new update ONLY on my laptop. My desktop is fine.

I uninstalled WoW Classic, now it’s uninstalled and I’m still getting the error upon trying to reinstall.

I’m getting the same problem as Anxiolytic and Gaviin.

I’m trying to re-install WoW Classic and it says I have to scan my files first.

For retail WoW it tells me I need to update first, when I try to update it starts scanning my files in an endless loop.

Hitting scan and repair was the biggest WoW mistake I’ve ever made, can we disable this feature somehow? Also I have no AVG blocking the scan…

I ran “Scan & Repair” and it now is in a “Scan & Update” loop that ends in the BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error.

Reading other’s comments it appears the real fix is deleting the game and reinstalling (making copies of WTF and Interface folders).

Is this true?

Hi Kansir

Did you work through the possible solutions on this support page:

BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 - Blizzard Support (

There is an Advanced section link as well