Hey all,
I’ve been in ED for a long time, and wondering if there’s any interest in creating a wpvp guild and experience which consists of a dozen paladins riding together and cleansing the field with the power of the Light.
We have a ton of solid wpvp guilds, better than any server out there, but nothing that is solely class-themed, for obvious reasons. Wpvp requires flexibility and having multiple classes really helps winning at day’s end.
However, for the sake of RP, I wonder if people had any interest in being a part of a wpvp guild with just a bunch of paladins? For balance purposes, we could join the fray alongside other guilds as an auxiliary miltary unit.
Light Shine Upon You,
I have traveled long and far and I wish to eliminate harlots and heathens and knaves who do not deserve to wield the might of the blade.
Light is Right,
Thotticus Maximus
Greetings, fellow-brother-in-arms.
The lands have been corrupted and must be re-forged in light
We must cleanse these lands and those who do not repent will be struck down like the KNAVES they are. You have my sword, brother. The light wills it!
Suffer well and embrace the darkness friends.
But for real this sounds like an awesome idea Victarrion. GL and cant wait to see y’all out there!
Just what we need, another cult.
(GL and hope it works out!)
Hello darkness my old friend. I’ve come to walk with you again. #HSA4lyfe
Just don’t halfass it by saying demon hunters and shaman or whatever can join for (insert reason)
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I will splatter the blood of any alliance paladin that dares challenge the true side of righteousness.
And what side is that? Prancy little belfs fooling around in skimpy belf gear and pretending to understand the light?
My fair foe… please come meet me anytime in Naz… We should… Discuss something.
So far, paladin recruitment and numbers have been grim. When Boralus was attacked last week by the horde scum, most of the paladins online were content bickering in trade chat rather than help me purge the harbor.
We ultimately got rid of them, but the paladins in this server seem…a little war-weary.
Join me brothers and sisters as we take the war to Nazjatar!
I know its been tried with both druid and monks. Both started strong but fadded. I hope you will fair better. I would love to see class guilds grouping together.
Thats how I felt about the alliance overall sadly.
I got tired of jumping into a fight to save somebody from an attacker only for the guy to run away and leave me to die instead of both of us fighting the dude. That doesn’t really happen on red team.
Blue team feels mostly outnumbered, and that mentality often translates to fleeing reactions even when numbers are often.
Still feels good to win as the underdog though. Times can be rough, but winning can feel good.
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