Gathering sounds and camera angle

I’ve been mining and herbing a lot of one of my alts and noticed something odd.
you can really notice it with mining but when the camera is behind your character you can hear the sounds of you mining.
When you pan the camera (keeping it pretty standard height from the ground and I play pretty zoomed in) from behind to the side then to the front, the sounds of you mining go away.
If I start mining with my camera down low and in front of my character so I’m looking at the node and my character mining it, I have zero sound of the mining action. If, during the same mining action, I pan the camera around to behind the character keeping the camera parallel to the ground (not going up and over) the sound starts coming back at about 3pm or 9am (if you imagine a clock on the ground as you pan around) and comes back fully at 6am which would be behind the character.
I looked in the audio options and found “distance filtering”. I’ve tried with that on and off and that doesn’t do anything at all that I can tell in this situation.
I’m using regular computer speakers not a headset.

I can’t seem to make any sense of this, I understand that sounds should be quieter the further you are from something or maybe behind you. But in this case, I’m very close with the camera and looking right at the node and mining action but I can’t hear anything.

Perhaps I am missing an option?

Thank you,