Gathering professions shouldn't give Character EXP

you DO know that merely leveling ISNT the real game here, correct?
It literally gets you next to nothing in and of itself.
Leave leveling alone.

You should gain experience from every profession imo. Gathering always and production for things that aren’t grey (could give skill up) with more expensive items to create giving more xp.

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I sort of sympathize with leveling being too quick. But I’d rather keep the xp within professions.

so your own personal opinion should be the rule for everyone?

new heirlooms vs the original looms: there is no contest. the new ones are light blue and barely higher than greens. in fact some greens are better. the originals were dark blue and on level with epic items. and let’s not forget the originals had exp bonus on each piece which was removed for snowflakes’ reasoning.

your whole post reeks of “we are leveling too fast (again) we need to slow down leveling. make it like classic so everyone can enjoy wow again.”

this game was fine the way it was for 9-10 years? or more? till a few snowFLAKES arrived and whined and complained they out leveled zones and quests turned grey before they could complete the zone. the rest of us: once a zone got too easy we moved to a harder zone. that is where the challenge was, not by making scaling all quests the same level (as player), not by making all mobs scale to player’s level and most certainly not by reducing the heirlooms power, removing the exp bonuses and basically upsetting most of the original players.

somewhere along the way, the devs took pity on the whiners and slackers and molded the game to be better for the minority of players versus the majority of players.

please by all that is holy, stop trying to reduce this game further.

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I don’t see the worry about exp from gathering. Each node gives exp equal to one kill, give or take. Not sure how that is the driver of the problems you cite.

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I disagree :slight_smile:

I know what you need

Except you need the [Big Sphere of Reversed Polarity] :laughing: Reduces XP gained by 55% :smiley:

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Just checked that out it does give exp but it is a small amount maybe because I’m in a area i already explored. 2100 per herb not bad but 70 to 84 per skin .ahm.

Time to hop on my lowbie and test brb

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Without this, there would be no Doubleagent. Full stop

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Classic doesn’t have that and you might enjoy playing there.

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So take away someone’s love of leveling a different way than you, because your way is “just fine?”

No… I don’t think so.

You play the game the way you want to play and others will play the way they want to play.

Removing fun just because “you can get it elsewhere” is ridiculous.

God low level riding is so painfully slow :sob:

I didn’t get any experience as a level 20 skinning a level 20 mob :man_shrugging:

I say Pyromor is using hacks


I have 3 skinners & none received any Exp for skinning


The reason EXP was added to gathering nodes was to like you know… encourage people to actually do it.

Skinning doesn’t give EXP, but it should.

Low level materials would quickly dry up on local AH’s without some type of push for people to actually bother with them.


What level? if you are low in exp on skinning that means you have explored the area already so exp wouldn’t be registered ,this is same with fishing and herbing.

Same. From low level skinning to current expansion skinning, I’ve never received XP.

I always assumed it was because I killed the mob and got the XP that way. And they weren’t going to reward me with XP from someone else’s kill.

Which, apparently, skinning is changing in 9.2.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to explain here.


Yeah that’s been my assumption too over the years. You get xp from killing the mob so none from skinning but with herbalism and mining you don’t (usually) kill anything so the xp comes from gathering.


Wrong, i just did with my 54 in Baston ,he’s been doing skinning and herbing and i just did it.

Fishing does not give EXP either