Gathering professions achievements in 10.1.7 are terrible

I’d be ok with these if the rewards were reasonable, but they are worth just 5 points. If I complete all of the JC ones I should get the title the insane Jewelcrafter.

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Once the new patch drops, they’re going to be getting a lot more feedback on a lot of new things crowding out issues like this. It’d be nice to see them take notice of this little corner of the 10.1.7 stuff before reaching 10.2, but it’s looking less and less likely.

(post deleted by author)

I loved these new achievments, sure i had to redo some things i did in the past but it kept me busy for a few weeks im only missing 2 then im back on 100 % on professions i need serious chef (collect recipes) and broken isles skinning, need Humongris the world boss to spawn

Edit: I see you gone and made a thread about it in community council begging for them to nerf stuff. Plenty of people have gone back to broken islands and got all gathering achievments already, sure it took some time but its in no way shape or form broken. Either take the time and gather a few thousand herbs like we already did or dont . But by going and begging them to make it easier will just piss of alot of players that took the time and effort to get those achievments already.

There is no need of fixing to be had. Its an easy achievment compared to many others. Either get to work and do it or dont.

How would it be fair to those thousands of people that already did them the intended way with the original droprates? No either you can look at the droprates when implementing the achievments and adjust them but not after so many people started working on them and got them already

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I never asked for them to “nerf stuff” or to make it easier, or at least that wasn’t my intent, simply to ensure the current expectation is what it should be. I don’t think it’s bad to investigate ways to improve gameplay and I do appreciate your sentiments on recognition for what others have already gone through.

Could be that they fixed the mining/herb quest items but I went out of my way during the xpac and afterwards to gather resources for the broken isles mining quest items. It was way more than a few thousand and sure, it may have been rng but my gut after hearing from others on the forum is that it’s not as easy as some people believe.

If you’ve got rank 3 for all of your mining/herbing nodes by a few thousand herbs / killing crocs, good on you. For the rest of us that its frustrated, I don’t think it hurts to have a second look to actually ensure it’s working as intended if not already done. If it is, moot point. If it’s not, it would be a welcome change.


I had mined around 4000 total ores for all rank 3s and over 4000 foxflowers for rank 3 and i have heared of people with more but mostly less than that and as you can see those numbers are very similair from comments during the expansion. Nothing is broken they are just low droprate and allways has been. I would have liked a higher droprate for sure but that is something they should have fixed BEFORE everyone starts working on the achievments.

But i can understand why you start to doubt if something just wont drop. They can check to see if something is off wich i doubt because it was the same deal for people back then as you can clearly see in the comments.

I will give you an example of comments from wowhead for you. On Fjarnskaggl rank 3 from 2017
" It took FOREVER, but this finally dropped for me while herbing in Stormheim. I farmed up a runed journal page wich began the quest The missing page, I know that it is just bad RNG, but I farmed over 4k Fjarnskaggl before finally getting the 3rd star. Here’s wishing you better luck!"

And under it you have a comment from someone from 2023 after the achievments where implemented “maybe it has changed or i got lucky. Went back to get this with the added achieves…took me about 600 Fjarnskaggl for quest to drop”

If whoever wrote these comments sees this im sorry for using your comments as an example here

Blizzard was quoted near the end of Legion as saying they planned to take a look at improving the drops for ranks 2 and 3 of gathering profession items. This never happened. At minimum, they should meet the original commitment they made.

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Can i see that quote pls because it doesnt make sense why that would be something to bother with at the end of the expansion

I think it was this tweet that they are referencing. It was mentioned earlier in this thread.



Yeah this is the one. Guess it pre-dates the Argus patch so not quite near the “end” of Legion.

Impressive find, so then they had the chance to do it back then but didnt and they also had the chance to do it on the PTR when making these achievments but didnt or maybe they did who knows, but whats not ok is go on and change things when so many worked hard already to get it.

If you think this is just me who wants you to suffer because i did, its not like that its more about myself actually because if they go on and change it it will bring a very unpleasant feeling like a gut punch of having 24 hr+ wasted for nothing, that is what i want to avoid. We already had the researcher achievments nerf from 100 stones items/whatever from 100 to 50 i dedicated myself alot to get those and managed to get them within 2 weeks after patch release but somehow that is impossible for others.

Soon if they go on and tamper with droprates and nerfing stuff after they implement achievs you get to a point where you start to question wheter or not it is a good idea to even start working on certain achievments and it might be best to see how many will go and complain to blizzard for nerfs. Gotta be careful with this stuff.

Am i in the wrong for wanna start working on achievments immediatly and get to it?, would you recommend maybe i wait 2 months to see if we will have lots of people complaining they are to hard to make blizzard nerf them because that is starting to sound like the wisest thing to do. And they are called achievments for a reason, what are you achieving from strolling around highmountain herbing for an 1 hour and then you are done? Some achievments you gotta dedicate lots of time for its completly optional and nothing is broken

Most with these achievements are likely to have gotten the criteria done because their main was a gatherer during Legion and had reasons other than achievement hunting to be mining / gathering herbs the entire expansion. One of my friends got the herbalism one immediately when the patch went live because his main was an herbalist back then, and he farmed herbs for the traditional, economic reason of selling them.

It’s not good to let achievements (or other grinding rewards) go live for drop rates that terrible and let people put work into it. I agree with that. And there should always be caution at changing a drop rate when people have put time into it. But the idea that this has to lock them into the current drop rate has limits of reasonability too. At these drop rates, I’d say it exceeds it.

I can’t fault you for taking the position you’re taking. It is like a gutpunch, as you said, when they make changes like this for people who don’t benefit because they did it when it was much more tedious. I’ve been burned to a staggering degree by some things. Paragon chests from Legion was a big one. I can’t imagine how much time I put into grinding reputation for those chests to get each mount.

Then, at some point in Shadowlands, long after I had done the work, they massively buffed the drop rate (at least based on wowhead comments). On top of that, there was an indirect nerf in the form of the reputation bonus during Legion timewalking week, for which people can save up rep tokens.

What feels like countless hours down the drain because I worked on it in the expansion it was released for. But still, I think they made the right call. Sometimes the only noise that gets through to Blizzard is the feedback they get from people who put work into whatever they released and give negative feedback.

It’d be great if they had an ounce of foresight and didn’t need to see feedback to know that sub-1% drop rates usually turn out horrendous. Or if they monitored feedback in a timely fashion. Or if they followed through on looking at and updating things after saying they would do it.