Gathering in Old Zones

Hey, I love gathering in this game and I kinda hate that once a new expansion releases all of the new crafts pretty much use the “new” gathering materials. I think it would be cool if some of the new crafts required mats from old zones, I would love to go back and farm in the jade Forest or grizzly hills or something.

Or they could have recipe use new mats or some form of old mat so you could have the option to farm in the new zones or go to an old zone of they’re too many gatherers in your area. I just think it would be a cool way to make all of these zones they’ve created over the years to still be relevant at max level and a reason to explore the world as a whole.

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I don’t mean to speak for others here, but uh…


We spend two years in an expansion. I’ve been raiding NP for like… two months? It just occured to me last night that I am sick of it.

Same applies to professions. People get tired of the zones, and it’s time to move on when the new is set in front of us. Old crafting materials will almost always have SOME value, but really don’t have a place in the newest expansion.

Imagine you’re a new player and have to go collect Ironweb Silk from Classic content to craft something in Midnight. Not only is that going to confuse that new player, it’s going to irritate veterans.

This is already happening somewhat. There’s a reason thorium suddenly jumped in prices with TWW and thorium widgets fly off the shelves in the AH faster than you can list em! Engys get to pilfer old mats for that robot mount of theirs. Legions of bots are now circling the crater for those thorium nodes and old Sillythus is quite populated sometimes!

I do not find this fun at all for my part.

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They do this in FFXIV. It has pros and cons.

Pros: no matter what level of crafting you’re at, even an old expansion, will still sell pretty quickly. In wow old mats can sell but the market can be slow.

Cons: your bags will absolutely hate you. You’ll have to travel out of your way to get “basic cabbage” or whatever. This means to make a cooking recipe you might have to wait on a timed node in one zone, cross the map to another zone, and to another and another until you’ve been at it so long you’ve forgotten what you’re making.

In FFXIV it works because it’s fairly easy to get to various places with their aetherite teleporting system AND because they have a uniform system for crafting. There’s not a “heavenward” system and a “shadowbringers” system. They’ve changed crafting over the years, but all expansions systems were changed all together, so even if you did a “heavensward” recipe you’re using the current system to do it.

I like how crafting is now, where there are absolutely some small niche things here and there from old crafting systems but you aren’t required to do them.

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What I’m saying is I would like an option, if you want to farm in the new zones essentially that’s fine and can craft anything, what I think id like to see is recipes where you can use say blessing blossom or a variety of other herbs from old zones so you can farm in war within or you can go farm green tea leaf in jade Forrest and craft the recipe. It’s obviously not going to happen but I’d love the option to farm some herbs or ore in old zones and make new crafts. I use gathering to unwind, it chills me out, I’d love to be able to go back and farm some stuff and it still be relevant just to change my scenario, so many nice zones to enjoy.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s counterproductive to allow you to use old materials to craft current stuff, especially when certain things are VERY easy to obtain.

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I know, it just makes sad cause there is so many old zones I love and just want reason to go back and explore them and enjoy them again on my Main while at the same time doing things relevant to the latest content.

That’s unfortunately just not how the game is structured.

I know what you’re saying but the problem is that the systems for both crafting and gathering have changed.
Like currently with finesse and deftness I can mine 1000 ores per hour. I cannot mine 1000 copper ore per hour. You get one ore per very long swing timer.
The nodes currently move from place to place in a grid of possible locations whereas those copper ore spawns are in the same static locations all the time (they are easier to bot).
Like maybe you could add in more recent expansion stuff, since they follow the same model. But really old stuff would cause some headaches.