Can’t find the quest anywhere in the Gala area. Anyone else having this issue?
Have you taken a look at the top Wowhead comment here?
All I can say is wow. Yes I have completed them as I have done on both Horde and Alliance.
Wow just wow.
Sorry I can’t tell based on your comment, did this solve your problem?
No. You can see the yellow ? mark but the NPC for Horde is not there. This seems to only be on the Horde as I have done the all the quests on Alliance.
Just saw another posts and everyone on Horde is having the same issue.
Ah yeah, here is that thread for others: Mahaja Cloudsong not showing up - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (
Some things to try:
- Phasing to another character’s realm via group finder
- Trying Warmode
- Flying in and out of the zone a few times
Basically anything to try and get another shard / phase, where she may be up.