Can someone help me with the prerequisites and questline for Garrosh in Outland? I read that it’s kind of a long story but has this incredible ending with Thrall. I’m not as familiar with Garrosh as I am with other lore characters and I’d love to know more about where he started in the game.
Where would I go to start this? is there a list of quests? Are there prerequisites? Is it worth leveling a character through all of Burning Crusade? (I’ve always…pardon the pun…gotten horribly burnt out after HFP and Zangarmarsh, and gotten out of there as fast as possible).
Thank you
Its basically every quest in Nagrand (including some you get from drops).
It was decent but I’m not sure I’d phrase it as incredible. It does at least show why Garry stopped listening to My Chemical Romance and became an angry twit.
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You shouldn’t need any prereqs that don’t start in Nagrand, just the ones in the first comment here:
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“Watch your clever mouth, bi***” - The Old Reliable Workhorse
On another note, Silverpine might just be the best current leveling zone. Too bad Blizz thinks they are Disney or something and decided to censor their own lines.
You get out of here with your bone people, we’re talking about Thrall’s granny.
I thought someone told me it all started with a quest in HFP called The Assassin. If I could go straight to Garrosh in Nagrand, that would be awesome. I want to level a character having ‘met’ Garrosh before he was, you know, GARROSH, and then go through Pandaria with him.
I’m not positive if that’s actually essential to it. If I’m remembering correctly, that basically just introduces you to the Mag’har, has you help a little, then sends you on a breadcrumb to tell Green Jesus they’re still around. I don’t think it connects directly to the Nagrand arc.
It does give you some rep with them and its pretty quick so it’d be easy to do if you’re worried.
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Thank you very much for the advice!