Garrosh died in alternate Dreanor

Seems silly to me. Why not just deal with the concept of multiple selves? Revendreth could employ psychological torture by borrowing any of the better Garroshs and have them brutally tear down our Garrosh as the worst possible version who knows nothing of honor and strength. It could have been interesting.

Supposedly they don’t though, because there AREN’T infinite parallel timelines in Warcraft. I believe they’ve said that there’s only one main timeline, and AU’s only come into existence when someone screws with time, and eventually, the end up fading away. It’s really stupid either way.

But it means, depending on how often time gets screwed with, you may only have a handful of alternates selves you have to merge with.

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Like I said above it could have been a lot more interesting if you had alternate selves play off each other. Like there’s an Emperor Proudmoore out there in Maldraxxus who wasn’t talked down at Orgrimmar and launched a violent coup on the Alliance after destroying the Horde. Peace through oppression.

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There is no AU Garrosh. That was the whole reason why Kairoz picked that timeline for WoD.

Garroshs mother died before she gave birth to Garrosh in the AU.

While AU grommash does have a son later on, and maybe named after our Garrosh, it is not AU Garrosh. Different mother and all that.

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There are so many solutions to the problem that Blizzard ignores, but they could also just say that all AU souls are just obliterated, as they’re aberrations of the true reality. Sure, that’s horrifying, but we’re already accepting the horrifying moral truths of the Shadowlands that are identical to the problems of ethics involved in afterlives from the real world. So what’s the difference, one more terrible truth?

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It’s one shadowlands and one Garoosh. Your perception of multiples is due to your narrow insight.

Honestly, they could have fixed this easy. There’s one Shadowlands, and the AU version of the character you’re asking about is there. Same as the MU one. These realms are infinite (or nearly so), and they aren’t likely to ever meet. If we decide to tell that story, then we will but we don’t, so we won’t. Yup, fifty thousand Thralls are out there, and some are even married to Jaina. Ain’t telling their story tho.


Haha. Where multiples exist is the possibility for opportunity.

Particularly if you had a means of harvesting or utilizing resources in alternate dimensions that you can then bring to bear on your “main” reality.

That would have been the more tasteful and logical choice. I honestly don’t know what Danuser was thinking when he referenced the million strands on a rope analogy. If you are only focusing on one timeline, there are no strands. That or the strands don’t matter.

According to Blizzard there is one Shadowlands, and when AU characters die their essentially become threads within the MU rope. They further explain that Death is about eternity, not linear time. Thus when AU Velen died, his spirit joined MU Velen’s rope…even when MU Velen is currently alive.

However it is unknown how souls within alternative timeways that don’t exist within the main timeway, such as Uther Menethil, or those from an alternative timeline making their home in the main timeway, such as Overlord Geya’rah, function in this system.

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Yeah, but then why would that Jaina be in Maldraxxus? Because she’s clearly too badass to have died.

Stabbed in the back for power by the kind of people that environment would cultivate in high ranked positions.

The Timeways themselves I presume are part of the system of the Order Realm of Time which I’d assume is none other than the Caverns of Time(since there are no details on it’s creation).

The Caverns of Time when investigated by visitors explore the possibilities of the Explorer.

Aman’Thul the Titan of Time explored the Great Dark Beyond for more Titans and got them.

When he and Aggramar started looking for a Titan capable of fighting the Void Lords he coincidentally found Azeroth.

When Sargeras went looking for Races to lead his Legion as well as a Titan to end all existence he found Argus!

The MU in truth is no different from the AUs but merely the first one shaping itself around it’s Titan and those he discovered!

The Primary Order Realm creates new realms to meet the Primary Order Realm’s needs just as the Shadowlands creates new Death Realms to suit it’s needs.

The Caverns of Time were created for the need to represent Time and the Universes within it were created for the needs of the Titan of Time and those that he discovered in it.

It’s fine, I already lost any investment I had in AU Yrel anyway after what BfA did to her.

I hope there is some way for the AU souls to keep some of there identity, separate from there MU selves in the shadowlands.

I like that we have two Grom Hellscreams both terrible people, but one chose to drink demon blood…twice…while the other refused…twice. Both having quite different lives after the end of their Hordes…and dying in a different manner.

It would be a mistake to just blur these two souls into just one Hellscream.

Or another good example.


And his AU counterpart.


Becoming a Broken and experiencing most of his kind genocided by the Orcs, really set MU Nobundo path differently from AU Nobundo. They are basically two separate people, so I hope they are not blurred together when both eventually die.

AU Draenor is the only “real” AU.

The rest don’t actually exist, they’re just magical What Ifs.

So you’d only have yourself and your AU Draenor self. Everything doesn’t actually exist.

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What about that timeline thrall visited?

The one where baby thrall died before being taken by Blackmoore.

Was that not real?

I still don’t see why they couldn’t have them as separate people. It’s not like it’d be weird to have yourself in the afterlife, odds are you wouldn’t even see all of you.

Just introduce other universes. They’re supposed to be different from timelines.

Something I struck my mind today when pondering on the AUs… I think of AU Draenor right now. Whenever it was permanently bound to the main timeline, in WoD, or BfA, does that retroactively add the millions, or billions of dead to the Shadowlands? Like all that anima, should be a surge, right?