Garrison mine: Stonetooth not soloable

I chose to level a new warrior in Warlords content, and opened up the Garrison as usual. But the quest “Things Aren’t Goren Our Way”, which is used to open the mine, can’t be completed, because the scaling on Stonetooth is wrong. I have tried multiple times between level 22 and 30, in a spec I am quite comfortable with, using a full load of heirlooms. The best I’ve managed so far is to get him to around 50%, using every cooldown and technique available to me at this level. I’ve read up on Wowhead where since TWW dropped, he is mostly unbeatable. (I read of one example where a Shadow Priest managed to take him out at level 32.)

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I hate that. I solo. I ran into the same thing in a different zone a different quest. I don’t know, just wait and hope they adjust or tweak or whatever they do in a month. Irritating.

Ask someone in chat to group up and help. And don’t forget your garrison ability that summons soldiers to help.

Old world content and non-boosted questing seems to be just beyond borked.

Time for Cataclysm 2: Electric Boogaloo; where they rehash the ingame world again?

Azeroth is going to birth a Titan. That sounds traumatic / destructive. Maybe they could use that as an excuse to redo all the zones again. They can just sink all the bad stuff into the ocean.

Incase you havent managed to beat him yet, I just got him at lvl31 fury spec, with a few points down to storm bolt.

Start the fight with your garrison summon, hit a stun, chunk him out, use a healing potion if you need one, quickly smash one of the little guys in the mine to get a heal refresh and wait for strom bolt cd, then back in for final burst

How is it possible to break a game this badly?

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Just so everyone is aware, level 32ish Unholy DK, still an unsoloable kill. I have to keep trying but this is actually absurd.

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Have been trying to kill this guy for ages, finally Google and find this thread.
Just tried again today as a lvl 37 outlaw rogue with heirlooms, popped all my buffs and buttons, and still cannot solo him (lvl 40). Awesome.

I was finally able to do it at level 53 as a beast master hunter and still scraped by with less than 10% health