I had to put this under something so I chose Quests as there is nothing for mounts. I have a maxed garrison level 3. I am farming the invasions that are offered for the mounts. The problem is that I am completing them on gold like it says to for the mounts and Im not getting Invader’s Forgotten Treasure to get the mounts.
Ive done a few Invasions and I am not getting any reward, especially the Invader’s Forgotten Treasure to get the mounts. Have these been discontinued? Am I missing something?
Are you doing more than one a week?
You only get each reward box once a week.
If you do your first invasion of the week and earn platinum rank you also get the gold, silver and bronze rewards. If you do another invasion you wont get any rewards because you already received each unique reward.
If you do your first invasion for the week and (somehow) only earn the silver reward, you can do another and earn the higher tier rewards on the next invasion you do, but if you do a third you wont get anything.
The mounts are not guaranteed, so even if you get the gold and platinum boxes you might not get the mounts.
Thanks. I didnt know they were weekly.