Garrison Invasion broken don't waste your time

I tried on 2 characters and by the looks of it only 20-25% of the regular amount of monsters spawned, and out of them 20-25% of those got stuck inside walls, stuck in trees or stuck on roofs. Both attempts I was only able to make about 800 points not even worthy of a gold rating, for shame…


Wow. Scary. :scream:

I chose WoD to do TW leveling. Azeroth auto pilot has WoD as fastest expac to level in. Isn’t this quest a requirement for story, garrison?

lol i forgot those even existed

I did one today and it was completely normal. Easy platinum

I dont remember exactly how it ties into the story but im still missing 2 mounts from the invaders forgotten treasure so i’ve been doing this 8 times a week.

After Turgons response i tried another 2 times and the mobs were still not spawning and getting caught in walls and trees :frowning:

I’ve had the same issue. a lot less adds spawned and now that Garrion NPS are lvl 40 instead of what should be lvl 50 (they were 120 before patch) invaders aren’t killed as quickly by them while you are running around killing and guiding npcs around.

I used to easily platinum this on my enhance sham now I wasn’t even able to get 1000

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