Garrison Broken by 11.1.0 (phasing issue?)

some (most) garrison buildings don’t show after 11.1.0 if you enter from the surrounding zones. if you enter using the garrison hearthstone everything seems to load normally. if you use the Admiral’s Compass things seem to load normally but as you approach the garrison it phases out.

i still see some NPCs and some things like mission table even though the L3 Garrison building itself isn’t rendered.

some NPCs are not visible because the building they reside in are lower than the default terrain and the NPC are hidden under terrain when the building doesn’t show.

edit: logging out and back in while inside the garrison fixes the issue.


I have the same issue. My Rank 3 garrison (with all buildings Rank 3) loaded fine when I logged in. Went down to do the Shipyards, the mine is now barred over and all the buildings are half-covered in snow (luckily the Interact key still works on the banker, guild bank and mail box!).


Same issue here. If i hearth to the garrison, buildings show. However once I leave the garrison, buildings disappear. When I go back, it reverts to pre-rank garrison. The hero’s board is stuck in the ground. I have crashed once when flying back to my garrison. Logged in and everything was back. Endless disappearing cycle.

Edit: I should note that this has been an issue since before yesterday’s patch. At least a week for me.


THANK YOU!! Hearth stone worked!
Holy hell that was insufferable. Here, 5 stars, take 'em, you earned it! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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Yep, came to say something about this, as I just made a Garrison with a new alt.

every time I leave it and come back, the walls and buildings do not spawn. so I just have a buncha Orcs sitting around .

have to log out and log back in to fix it.

Can confirm garrison disappears when you leave it. Only relogging (not reloadingui) fixes it.

Seriously, Blizzard? It seems this game cannot be patched without breaking something. Last time, it was an entire expansion. Sheesh.

Please fix this soon!

UPDATE: Started the garrison on a 23 pally. Had issue described above. So long as I relogged once flying to the garrison, I could get the buildings back.

Upgraded to level 2, animated film sequence ended fine, with shiny new level 2 garrison. Went off to take the ogre tower, did some quests, now level 28.

Flew back to garrison, got booted. No garrison either. Relogging resulted in booting. Restarting the game also resulted in a boot. So now I can’t get on to this character at all, let alone see my garrison.

Can you please fix this? It’s making the entire expansion unplayable.


I thought I was going crazy, I wanted to level through WoD partly on a new character, but kept wondering “where did my Garrison go?” Turns out bugged, it got bugged out.

Well, time to level somewhere else I guess.

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Yeah I tend to do the same because of the rested XP potion treasures all over and the huge chunk of XP you can get just flying around collecting treasures on the ground.

Good to know I’m not alone. Well not good in general, but good that I wasn’t going more insane than I already am.

Same issue. If I move around the garrison while the buildings have not loaded, I also get disconnected and stuck in a login > immediately disconnect loop. Hilariously, their own “Stuck Character” tool is inaccessible through the game. Had to do it via the website.

If you get stuck in the disconnect loop, logging a different toon seems to fix it. Obviously if you leave again, same issue but at least that’s how you can get back to playing.

Thanks, I will try that.

Same issue. Have to log out/in to fix.

Same issue here, noticed it the other day and hoped the hotfix would of fixed it, but seems like it did not.

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Still bugged, extremely frustrating

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The exact same thing is happening to me if I hearth back everything’s great but if I fly back my Garrison disappears everyday I have to log in and out 20 times a day it’s getting ridiculous multiply that by five Tunes it needs to get fixed

Support could only move my character. Couldn’t even escalate the bug to the proper channels.

Day ??? of constant soft-logging.

But you can, and have, so good on ya for that.

Thankfully it seems fixed as of Reset! Yay!