Garona Alliance Reconnections

I was in it for a very short time before it disbanded into Remnants and A Modest Proposal

I remember you lol

Use to play Ardisen, a Night Elf druid. Me and some friends created Soul Society which then merged with another guild to form Animosity. i still talk with most of my friends from Soul Society. I am looking for the few people who raid Naxx with us in WoTLK, the only name I really remeber is iax and tothedeath.

Hi Nerd! Yes, my memories are starting to come back to me! Yes, I remember Ralu! I couldn’t remember our guild name because it had been so many years, until you jogged my memory! I think The Force was the first guild I was ever in! Wasn’t his name spelled Ralu rather than Raylu?

I’m leaning towards playing on a PvP server, depending on who’s going where. So who knows… you might see me invading Orgrimmar and we’ll have to battle!

Sorry I don’t remember the name Natalya. It’s been so many years.

I played Pythias (this guy), Gwydyan (Priest) and Panacea (Priest) mostly. Long time in Sillyhood (Ni!) until I did some end game raiding in Edge (Very fun to raid with!). Good times, met some great people. Really hoping Classic captures the community as well as the mechanics. I guess community is up to us. :smile:

Hey Bud! I remember you from your time in FiF-feel free to look us up when the time comes-we will be rolling on Grobbulus.

Hello! I was Powerdrive, a Human Paladin in the guild Mystin. Looking forward to seeing some old friends this many years later!

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Hey its Powerdrive (Sirburton’s son from RS). Hope to raid with you again in the future!

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Hey Zioneva, I believe I healed you a lot in BC when you were with AD… That damn dwarf priest that made me roll a healer… what was his name(started with an M?) And he played a rogue (started with a C).

Pythias!!! I do believe you were one of the few that fell for my “Hot healer looking for sexy tank to lay healing hands on” back in BC … ahhhh the days of having to find your own group.

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Hey Morsexy!! Been a long time.

I played a Human Holy Paladin- Majvik
Originally started out in the guild Cataclysm led by Vistame, that guild then merged into Noble Blade led by Gedder.
Raided with Noble Blade for a long while, then joined Lunaris led by Simpkin/Sinzar and then later Silvio took over as GM. Raided with Lunaris until the end of vanilla. Can see my shenanigans in some of the videos that Sinzar recorded!

Name: Arklay
Guild: Levity

Late night raiding was quite the time, hope to run into others from Levity and the late night scene!


I played with a Marylee (although I thought I remembered it being spelled Marilee) back in the day. Is this you? I was Spacemonkey, human warrior and Spacellama, druid. Also a slew of space(animal) alts.

Name: Cortezz - Human Warlock Luggnutt - Gnome Warrior
Hey BigHunter! was wondering if any Aftermath People would be posting on here.

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Hi Cosmok! Ram here, I was in Entropy Dawn with Thalana, best tank ever! …and Trushell, Haiti and lots more… I played a human priest, and will probably play priest again. Still an altoholic!

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Early Garona I played NE rogue named Junior and human priest Sistermary.
Wondering if Colanin or his sons, or Ursus, Corrick, Handover, or any of the old crew are back for classic.
battletag superfluke#1549

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Tinybaby (well his main) was in a guild I was in. He had ridiculous amounts of gold.

Malus the dwarven claw rogue. Because, why not.

Played from the beginning through most of Naxx.

hai brenna :smiley:

yo, megakola, if your the same guy i remember you as the, “and by yes i mean absolutely no” and the slightly drunken bear tank. cant remember the guild
i played with you in. evorogue- rogue shamrock-shaman, been so long dont exactly remember the char i was on.