Garithos Horde Reconnections

Oh shoot!! Crazy I still was able to remember the guild name!! I had soooooo much fun with you guys!! My first raid, first real guild, did so much World PvP shenanigans with y’all!

What was the guild master’s name? Zen-something? I can’t remember…

Yeeeessss!! More people from my first guild!! I think I remember you, that name seems so vaguely familiar.

<–This is still my same Warrior from way back then! Played him all throughout Cata, quit when MoP came out, played a month of Warlords and threw in the towel and went to private servers. So excited to come back to real servers and play Classic!~

Yeah that was definitely an awesome guild with all the WPvP we did. Guild leader was Zentotem haha


Here’s this old video from one of our first MC runs lol:

Anyone from Art of Ruin around? I remember doing some dueling tournaments with you guys in the Gurubashi Arena.

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Saren - Undead Mage. Used to be in Domain of Slack

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Kokazi undead mage
Themion human paladin

Tauren Shaman named Kav. Will be playing Classic with Kokazi, Chrisso, and some other losers.

This video is awesome! I remember these runs so well.
It was good to see some of those names come up in the credits! Good times!

Random shot in the dark here. Im pretty sure I was in Ascending Dawn. I was an orc hunter named Skutch. was Rokoshara our main tank? Im pretty sure I remember you Teh…

looking for achiless too among others msg Jonah the shaman if your still alive and planning to play classic :confused:

Elzorn - Tauren Resto Druid - Reign of Oblivion guild

Looking for Superalpaca

I am, Warkill Orc Warrior - Guild Offtank / dps warrior

Holy crap! I joined some time after this as Livingdead (UD Priest). I remember Zentotem/BloodSoaked used to lose his mind over these raids :smiley:

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Where is Reckless Ascension at?


Warkill that used to be in AC?

I can get you a Superalpaca, but it’s going to cost you.



Tsepa/Radagast here,

rolling horde on stalagg with rellyx, kokazi and caarls loser cousin.

Is that you And2?!?!?!