Malekk, Human Paladin
I used to heal raids then pvp ret. People laugh until they lose
i remember you
haven’t talked to Havenata in years, But yeah sure
Sundance - Nelf Hunter, Raided with you a heap. Still regret dropping the guild. Best memories of WoW were with you guys.
Heres a name I remember! How you doing Ves.
Rad hit us up in game. I do remember Sapdat! I remember Bilag and Hadrix too! We always need people.
So glad you dudes are coming back for classic!! If you get bored with horde we’re up and running on Herod alliance
Des here, founder and long time GM of The Beginning of the End (TBOTE) on Garithos! Mostly known as a NE hunter by the name of Desdianna, also a draenei shaman Hotpeanutz, a human priest by the name of Veruka (now a VE priest on another server by the name Chaosangel, Stormrage), and a NE druid named Darkndmyzery.
We partnered with a few guilds and have good buddies all around, CelestiaL, The Maverick Hunters, Pretty Hate Machine, Lordaeron Legion, Soulbound, Karma, Inner Sanctum, etc… where ya’ll at??
<3 Des
For anyone looking to escape the phase 2 ques, Denied is on Arcanite Reaper.
i was in ovk for aq 40 and naxx - Jama human priest
we used to duel alot jama human priest
Anyone here from Loyalty?
I had played as Gliteratti (Human Rogue)
Hey there! Was hoping to hear mention of one of my old guilds! Pretty Hate Machine picked me up once I hit 80 and I had an absolute blast with those guys. Any idea where they or the majority of the Garithos peps are at these days?
Rowico - Human Warlock
Pretty Hate Machine, Vitality
Joined just before Ulduar and I’m coming back for WotLK Classic. If anyone played with me back then, feel free to hit me up! Rowico #1397
Jens, it’s shinstabber. Dunno if you remember me from the guild and world pvp
Teddy, shinstabber/murl here
Darl - Paladin
Brix/Brixed - Warrior