@Civrock Got it, I’ll roll with you guys. Planning on playing pally - in game name will be Destrophy.
Hey man! This is Stonehinge. I know you probably don’t remember me but your guild was awesome!
Ferios - Nelf Hunter - Silent Requiem
Kwagmire - Gnome Mage
I remember playing with Knightryder and Civrock, but I think I was in a few other guilds too. Everything is pretty hazy from that time.
I remember quite a few names from Overkill specially you, I believe you used to be our main tank. I played a Restoration Druid called Razzield along with my RL friends Dango - Human Mage and Silvarel - NE Hunter. Unfortunately we rolled Horde after BC and stopped doing PvE altogether but I’m glad to see you guys back in the game. Dango will surely be happy to hear from you guys!
Hey Ftscooter!
CrazyIrish here, I just reactivated subscription so I was not able to respond sooner. I did roll on whitemane (horde), you on there now also? Rhoyd may play again soon also. I told Rhoyd you were looking for us and we are both stoked that you might be playing on same server. It would be a blast to get the squad running again.
That wasn’t moobie lol but me themion rellyx and kav are horde on incendius.
Hahaha fair enough. I’ll make an alt on there, but will be maining on Felstriker with my fellow Aussies
Bro. Didn’t you know Shono in real life? This is Ves.
Bro! great to hear from you! You and Havenata playing any where these days? I can give you my battle tag.
Looking for Onimocco - Gnome Mage and Shono - Human Rogue.
Those were my two homies. Was hoping I could link up with one of them here. Guess not.
Holy sh!t is that hiding under the table Ves?!?!?
Bro. Did you get an active gamer tag?
Do you have **
Hey what’s up bro? Loooong time.
Now that the smoke has cleared some what - and they added more server - a lot of the old Overkill players are rolling alliance on Kirtonos. I’ll be making an alt on there to play with them in my down time. I think they are still going to have the name Overkill so they shouldn’t be too hard to find.
Right now I’m maining Horde on Grobbulus.
Bloodlord - warrior
Bountyhunter - hunter
treesome - druid
Guilds - Reckoning, Aftermath, Amonrah, Overkill, and Sovereignty over the years.
Hey Knight, I was Feorimm (fury warrior). Have you heard from anyone else that was in Denied?
Hey everyone!
Vanilla: Verdyn / NE Druid (Syndicate of Redemption / Exodus)
BC: Oceanus / Draenei Shaman (Severance)
We have about 25 old denied players in guild on alliance side of Fairbanks.