Garithos Alliance Reconnections

Knights of Mayhem

Couple of old KoM guys are getting together on Herod as Horde. A lot of familiar names around here!

Ephesius how you guys been?

I used to be in Prides Legionaires and Reckoning back in the day. Had a hunter named Teddyk. You seen any of the others from Prides in this thread yet?

PIND! Teddyk here, man.

Any of you remember Nikalia, Rnegade or Flaric?

FaoC / Spawn

Mainly looking for my few boys I lost touch with. Shoutout to malph for teaching me the game and batwoman for telling me to just make my druid name rhyme.

Going herod alliance - Shiftyfifty#11730

Tsepa/Radagast here of the illustrious muffin club.

I just wanted to say that you’re all huge nerds and I bet you wear glasses, also does anyone know where chrisso is making his night elf druid? :slight_smile:

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Hey dude! Good to see you’re still playing. Any of the other old crew still playing like Moobie etc?

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Davetheslave! I havent heard this name since like Wrath. You were a pretty poppin garithosian. I had a few toons:
Sapdat - Rogue
Bighealz - Druid
Blood - DK
Our whole group is rolling Herod too. Idk if you remember any of us, but Bilag and Hadrix were my two pally friends who will be playing as well.



hi im mobi

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/wave from Psylence (Night Elf Rogue in Silent Requiem, primarily). Great to see some familiar names here. I’ll be messing around on Whitemane - Alliance.

Holy moly man, I haven’t seen you in a minute. I have a screenshot of you and me back when you were running my baby paladin through Gnomer, lol.

I’ll be on Whitemane.

Rank 14 Night Elf Rogue


I heard you like Tikvah?

Used to play Krazyglue the Druid. Raided with Crucify towards the end of Vanilla but wasn’t very good back then haha. Also played here during BC


Sup bokke :slight_smile:

Not sure if moobie is playing, a few of us are rolling horde though, on stalagg i believe

Dude we used to play together. I can’t remember the guild name Saga maybe. I played an NE hunter named Svartalfar, and was always with a priest named Havenata.

Yeah speaking of which, you still got that photo of Tikvah? You know the one…

I remember Flaric. Feral druid in denied around the end of 2007?