Garithos Alliance Reconnections

Ammnune what crucify guys do you have?
and dave I added you my user name is Robnasty

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we need to get on discord

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Fio from reckoning and I will be rolling in faerlina ill be seeing jensaarai

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Aladran - Night Elf Rogue
Silent Requiem

Civrock/Agnarak/Aaronius - Do you guys have a server yet? It’d be fun getting the old group back together.

Jonah human paladin. Looking for old members of Oblivion/Irish.

Hey Bloodshot, hey Fio! Great to see so many still around :smiley:

Leaning towards Faerlina (PvP-East) so far. While it says Full, I personally don’t mind a bit of a wait to get as long as the server has a good population (World PvP, etc) and won’t die a month after launch.

Thorus - NE hunter
Garlor - H warr
Guild - Overkill

Some Overkill members will be on Faerlina (PVP-E)

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Nuboi, human warrior from Overkill.

We ended up rolling on Kirtonos (PvP-East).

Pindarus , Druid - Moonkin :slight_smile:



Earlkell, you were in right? Pretty sure we met out in Felwood while I was farming Tubers. I remember getting mind controlled, and given Vent information a few times haha.


Breeyar and Darklie where are you two?

Last I heard from Bree was during BC, they went to Ragnaros.

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Themion Human Paladin
Silent Requiem

@agnarak wheres todd?

Hello again Civrock

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Hello again Agnarak.

Zeldan Night Elf Druid
Silent Requiem

lol, nostalgia is hitting hard…

Bokke here! Spent a bit of time in Crucify and a few other guilds. I’ll probably be rolling on an Australian server but happy to make alts to play with any Americans I used to play with. Would love to see if any of the old crew are still playing, like Moobie, Radagast and Silentalpaca!

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I dunno where that fool is, you rolling pally with me?

The one person I remember from Vanilla! Termgator, dwarf paladin!