Ganking duskwood tomorrow

Big oof. lol

Err ok well I’ve been out and about all day. Just saw this thread. My apologies if it seemed weird or out of place lilah. I knew full well sending u a mail in game like that could have been taken as creepy. But I’m an adult and I did it because what I was told seemed beyond game stuff. I just wanted to let u know Atleast from my end it isn’t personal or weird like that. Tbh I’ve never even seen u in game. I’ve never ganked u or anything. Only interactions I’ve had is when u came on the forums and made a post about btags.

I sent u mine and u added me. We chatted for a week or so. I took off to go see my daughter that week. When I got back I guess some drama happened between u and these guys. Yes I’ve been talking to them last few days. It’s how I knew u were upset. Again I apologize for having some sympathy for someone going through it irl. I only sent the message to let u know I’m not an enemy. Hell I don’t even know u. I don’t really know these guys either. I dueled warrylz and then they asked if I wanted to pvp some with them at times. I said sure. Because it’s a game and I like pvp.

I’ve been in their disc here and there last 2 days. Not much. We did some pvp on ruin one night and had fun. Besides that I do my own thing. I don’t know fully what’s going on. And like I told them I’ll tell u. I’m not an enemy. But also I don’t need some weird irl stuff that carries into game. I have enough stuff in my life I have to take care of and deal with on a daily. I don’t need others issues and being pointed as a weirdo for showing u compassion. So again take care of yourself and all that.

I take a nap and this thread turned into a :poop:show…



Creepy weirdos don’t realize they are creepy weirdos.

News at 11

Delusional people don’t realize they’re delusional


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Big brain just look up what delusional means.

I honestly haven’t even been going on World of Warcraft recently but apparently I’m obsessed. Legit go on wow for maybe 2 hours a day compared to what I used to get on for because its so boring that I’ll try to find action any where.

Its been so boring I even played Minecraft; like thats when you know you’ve reached top gamer depression lol.

Lately? Hmm. It’s been a while since I was last there(i.e. last year), but it was often more than just two actives. No less than 3.

Yea. You act like you’ve never seen this before. Uhhh, that’s what you’ve missed for the longest time. You never really understood WPvP, and how personal it oftentimes get. And I never really ganked lowbies out there. I kept my action to (Max Level - 10) peeps and I knew what this was like.

The only thing I have never understood is your erratic thought patterns that you vomit onto the forums.

It’s a game, and there is nothing personal about it. Lighten up, Francis.


Ayy couldn’t have said it better. It’s a game, I don’t know why people take this game so seriously.

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I get tilted from time to time, particularly when I’m on the receiving end of a potato filled deathball, but I know it’s not personal. Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug.


The irony :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Like I told the other side of this discussion. I said my piece to u and them. I reached out in that in game mail as a genuine person. But I refuse to be accused of other things non game related. I told them and I’ll tell u. I’m done with the discussion and all of whatever this is. Take care.


Well you were Multi-boxing when I seen you on today. :yum:

Calm down Karen.

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I’ll admit… I logged onto a Sargeras alt to trash talk someone. There’s a certain someone who I wont name here who is very toxic towards us and we’re very toxic towards them. Whenever they get a kill on one of us, they log over and trash talk. When we get a kill on them, we do the same.

It gets really toxic in our conversations, ngl.

Okay. The forums is not going to replicate the entire experience from the game. Is that something you tripped on too? This is why I’ve said a good while back you actually got to DO it and not just talk about it. And you’re the wrong person to tell me it doesn’t get personal, by the way. You don’t think ppl are bothered when bans can and do happen?

“It’s just a game.” Easier said than done. Easier said than done. No clue at all what motivates MMOers.

Your posts are nonsensical and have no basis in fact. You get butthurt and report my posts when I hurt your little feelings. You’re the only one taking this game so personally.

Have you not noticed that your posts get 0 likes? It’s because no one knows what the hell you are saying.


im now free from my 2 month ban and ill be there i have a bottle too :slight_smile:

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Just for this post im logging onto my alliance and ganking you :slight_smile: and u can log out until she gets bored if you wana turn off Wm. sounds like you nvr should have started with it on…

Well it is see above guild name.