Gaming time keeps getting elongated

Trying to return to WoW after 5 years or so… Are the servers down right now for a major update or is there something going on with my account? And, one more thing, will we be getting a day back in our subscription? Thanks a bunch!

Today is a major patch - 10.2. So that is why there is extended work happening.

No. Reasonable downtime is factored into our subscriptions. The last time game time was added to our accounts was back with the WoD release. Or thereabouts, when things were up and down hard for over a week.


Awesome, got it! I had no idea about the 10.2 update. Glad to hear it’s not an issue with my account! :smile:


Thank you so much! Looks like I’ve got quite a journey ahead with 20 more levels for this new content… lol

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They also learned their lesson from the patches on the first few expansions. They generally extend them like this with major patches before they open them up. If you were here for BC and Lich you’ll remember they’d usually bring them up on time only to have them crash. I remember in B.C that it would be down for days at a time, which was a royal pain if you died due to the crash. In BC it would crash, come back up, crash, on repeat. I remember that I just took a few days off when I took a trip and didn’t play for about a week.

In order to avoid that regularly test the game before opening realms.


Those crashes were terrible too, recent activity wouldn’t have saved and people would lose what they were doing for the last hour or so.

I don’t want to jinx anything, so I’ll just say we’re hoping to have things up as quickly as we can.