Gamers’ Choice Awards Nomination

Wasn’t initially going to vote for any, but I hate it when people tell others what to do, or are the problem. The issues in BfA are currently being addressed. The game’s state is (according to quite a few) not doing so hot, but I’m confident they’ll look into it and fix the issues. They have begun to already for 8.1, and if feedback continues to be taken, the game can be fun again (for those who are upset).

I personally loved Legion myself, and wish some things were carried over.

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Yes, it sucks to be an employee sometimes.

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** WOW players** You lied to your players and betrayed and banished the developers who fought for you!!! What’s happening to you, Blizzard ? Is Money and and pleasing the shareholders that’s important to you?

Blizzard : Spare me, Wow players, you weren’t there to see what the share holders did to my company .*

Wow player army arrive at the Blizzard HQ . With Angry Hardcore players leading the army.

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I’m not voting against something I’m not hating to a very large extent and don’t care to look into other games yet. I’ve played for a while (not as long as some players, granted) and don’t want to see the game die. If they keep fixing the problems that are there, I’m sure the game will get back to a stronger state.

What? People don’t want to vote?!?!

Don’t you all have phones?

I’m sure Diablo Immortal will be available for download to all people who vote for WoW using their phones…


It’s amazing that you come out of the woodwork when you want something from the playerbase, but stay hidden in the great unknown when the playerbase wants something from you. FFXIV is a great game and worthy of my vote.


Just trying to figure out if ythisens is supposed to be a community manager or a class design manager. Let me know if you know

Let me go ahead and vote from my phone. :smiley:


He seems to be neither and more of a Vote for Wow now!!! and advertising…

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Not rewarding poor quality , bad decision making, ignoring your player base and sloppy developing with a award that was nominated by 3rd party “fans” as a PR move to increasing poor performing stock.


Careful now otherwise Blizzard might see this and delete our votes to make sure they win xd…


“DONT YOU ALL HAVE PHONES???” -Blizz Developer Blizzcon A.D. 2018

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not alot people are happy with the distraction of Blizzard since Activision is calling the shots now. If I were you tell dev team to wake up and fix the problems with your company before you be nothing but a memory. Just FYI. I love you guys in all but, ever since Blizzcon, I am starting to questioning on your judgement and worry about your company at same time.


Its not really nominated by the “community” Its a marketing gimmick and basically it is paid advertising. Companies have paid “fans” nominate them all tthe time


So Blizzard breaking their own rules ?

Yeah WoW doesn’t deserve this award. Not at all. My vote is for FFXIV. Sorry but not sorry.


The forums. Reddit. Youtube. Discord. Tradechat.

“The WoW community” isn’t a thing. Who, exactly, nominated this game for this award which was just invented and nobody besides industry reps who got sent the press release email has heard of?

Are you saying ordinary players who love BfA independently found out about this completely new award and nominated WoW via a grassroots effort that nobody here was aware of?


Some 3rd party marketing firm and Blizzard employees


How do i report this thread as advertising?


Believe it or not, people tend to go to the forums and other outlets to complain. Not to praise. Therefore, it’s safe to say there’s likely a number that do enjoy it and don’t talk about it.

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No doubt. But how did your hypothetical group of non-complainers come together to nominate WoW for this award that was just invented?

I am not arguing that nobody enjoys BfA. The issue is that “the WoW community” is not an entity that acts together to nominate the game for insider awards.