A thread for all who love the giant flying turtle!
Can’t wait for the Arrowhead complete collection coming out August 17th!
My favorite Gamera movie has to be Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris for pretty much everything about it. The music, the use of suit-mation, the direction, etc. The entire Gamera heisei trilogy is amazing, but I think G3 is definitely the best. G2 is close, though.
Can’t forget the showa movies either! For as outdated as they are, they are still very fun! (Except Gamera: Super Monster. That movie makes Godzilla Raids Again look like a cinematic masterpiece.)
Gamera was my introduction to kaiju as a whole. I saw the Gamera heisei trilogy when I was just 7 years old. Understandably, I was traumatized by all the gore, but at the same time, I fell in love. I didn’t even know what Godzilla was until many years later.
If it wasn’t for Gamera, I probably wouldn’t be into kaiju at all! I owe alot to this giant flying turtle!