Gamera Appreciation Thread

:turtle: A thread for all who love the giant flying turtle! :turtle:

Can’t wait for the Arrowhead complete collection coming out August 17th!

My favorite Gamera movie has to be Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris for pretty much everything about it. The music, the use of suit-mation, the direction, etc. The entire Gamera heisei trilogy is amazing, but I think G3 is definitely the best. G2 is close, though.

Can’t forget the showa movies either! For as outdated as they are, they are still very fun! (Except Gamera: Super Monster. That movie makes Godzilla Raids Again look like a cinematic masterpiece.)

Gamera was my introduction to kaiju as a whole. I saw the Gamera heisei trilogy when I was just 7 years old. Understandably, I was traumatized by all the gore, but at the same time, I fell in love. I didn’t even know what Godzilla was until many years later.

If it wasn’t for Gamera, I probably wouldn’t be into kaiju at all! I owe alot to this giant flying turtle! :turtle:


I am not familiar with Gamera, other than I absolutely love the MST3K episodes where they feature a Gamera flick. Always excellent entertainment.

So in that sense, I love Gamera!

“Gamera is really neat, he is filled with turtle meat, we all love you GA-ME-RA!”


Preach it! The 90’s Gamera trilogy, aka the Heisei trilogy, are some of the best Kaiju films ever made. I am not terribly familiar with the earlier stuff, which is very campy and childish. That 90’s trilogy, while some of the effects are dated, hold up amazingly well.

If you like Kaiju film, definitely give it a watch.

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