Gamer training

As a continuation of deleted deadlift thread, one dude was talking about deadlifting being more functional than say bench pressing.

While I generally agree, there’s probably no better way to put on upper body mass then bench press work.

gamers zone

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Idk man, I think training back is far more fun than benching. More muscles back there, no pun intended, than just your pecs.

I think a good back day will still net you more mass than hammering away on the bench.


Sir, your pecs/anterior delts/triceps do not make up more of your upper body mass than your whole back

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Deadlift and bench share similar concepts. Both allow the most weight to be lifted than any other exercise. Ones lower, ones upper (albeit both are full body, and both benefit from a stronger lower and upper). What I’m saying is, most weight = most neural. Althought the overhead press is argued to be more functional than say the bench press, and a squat is more functional than a deadlift, the bench and deadlift are just as equal as the other lifts, because they train the body and mind to move heavier loads than the other 2 lifts can. All 4 exercises are fundamental, squat and OHP carrys over to your sports better, but deadlift and bench will push your squat and OHP leaps and bounds because its just heavy @$$ weight that you weren’t lifting if you weren’t already doing them.

Sure you could squat and OHP, all the time, but the guy over there doing the same thing but also improving his bench and deadlift, is gonna kill you on the squat and ohp eventually.

Random joes deadlifting has got to be a propaganda campaign devised by surgeons and physical therapists.

If you aren’t training for a weightlifting competition and doing deadlifts for back work, you’re doing it wrong. There’s other back exercises that are just as good without a massively detrimental risk/benefit ratio.

Don’t even get me f***ing started on those guys who watch a couple youtube videos and start doing clean and press or snatches.

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Actually proper deadlifting and benching is paramount for scapular(both) and hip(deadlift only) health, something every gamer or desk jockey should be taking in consideration.

Sure if you’re constantly going for 1 rep maxes in the deadlift in heavy weights, you’re more prone to bad form and injuring yourself, otherwise, deadlift is perfect for remediating improper function. It wasnt until I started deadlifting and squatting correctly that my knee and back pain magically went away. (I’m a pipefitter, we regularly lift over 100 pounds between 2 people, not something good to do on a regular basis for your joints, hence why I started lifting, we also travel hours away from home, we stay in the car alot, not good for body health again)

See people hear bench, and think pecs and tris, while that is the case for higher rep bodybuilding, when you perform compounds in the lower reps, where every athlete/lifter should have background in, it becomes less about “muscle groups” and more about “strength of the entire body”. When you expose your hemo joint/scapular areas to 300 pound bench, those bones, ligaments, muscles, neural function, all of it becomes accustomed to 300 pounds. Something an overhead press will never do. Same for the squat to deadlift. While squat being the most functional, it cannot expose your hips/ligaments/neural function to the same as a 500 pound deadlift.

They’re all important, there is absolutely no reason to skip out on the most fundamental lifts in favor of something else, you’re only doing yourself a disservice by doing so. People are just lazy and would opt out of 5 reps of heavy standard deadlifting, for something like, 10 reps of romanian deadlifts because they are just easier. People also have a tendency to think “well when I get stuck, i’ll just keep pumping 1 rep maxes to push my max” when really, thats a super error in programming. If your focus was 5 by 3, and you finish the first 2 sets, and only hit 4 reps on the last set, that is considered a failed day, and after a few failed days, instead of pushing for 1 rep maxes, they should drop about 20% of the weight and go back to working on form. You’ll stay clear from injurys, and force yourself to lift proper, or to stagnate. Most the time people plateu(spelling?) is because of form, even correcting form on another lift, can help pushing through.

Another issue is people don’t study the lifts properly. They watch one video and go “yep I know how to squat and deadlift”. It’s pretty important before you go all crazy into lifting to make sure you are performing the lifts as proper as you can, something you cannot see with your own eyes unless you record yourself or use a coach.

Plus who doesn’t want to rip massive weight off the floor like a true chad? Only betas who continually implement beta liftstyle lifting.

So basically, Squat and ohp = most functional, deadlift and bench = assistance for the most functional lifts. Functional being what carries over to real lift situations and injury prevention. Lets be real, how often do you get into a bench press position to lift something? Almost never.

Sorry for the rediculous wall of text, I just tried to cover everything that came to mind about the lifts to try and nullify any confusing context or inb4 broscience and mythlifters come spewing nonsense.

Reasons you shouldnt do fundamental lifts:
Specific Injury
Uneven body length(this happens way more often than people realize)

I met this one guy who’s doctor added a 1/4 inch to one heel, and so many things improved for him. He said he stopped getting headaches, was able to breath fully again, and was all his lifts felt entirely more comfortable. Just from looking at him you’d never realize one of his legs was a 1/4 inch shorter than the other.

There is even people with scoliosis who started properly squatting and deadlifting that corrected the condition when nothing else could.

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As Ronnie Coleman would say: “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-@$$ weights.”

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Every bodybuilder thinks everybody wants to be a bodybuilder. Really we just want to eat cake and icecream.


Wow Vendes, You actually sound normal for a change.

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deadlifts are overrated. Yes they should be in your program, no you should not do as many sets of them as squats or bench unless youre an advanced lifter on a specified program by an actual trainer. not those ones you find in commercial gyms who are just like “bro trust me.”

Deadlifts are overrated and not the alpha lift. Do more squats instead.

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someone who doesn’t lift

I wouldn’t necessarily call the deadlift overrated. Yes squats are more important, but calling it overrated just pushes people to believe they are not fundamental. Just don’t try to supplement it is all I’m saying.

Only thing you lift is dick to your mouth


True strength comes from kettlebell

how much you bench? do you even lift?

Are you from 2013

clearly you feel inferior here

Oh for sure swole you just make me clam up dude

Hopefully you bloomsday and murk don’t run a train on me