Gameplay =/ Lore

And he never did.


They probably could, to be honest. Fire certainly, I’d think.

But Mages summoning Water Elementals have been a thing since the very first game, so I guess they’re just too iconic to change.

Part of me wants to ask Blizzard about some of the more ‘forceful’ Shaman and Mages in regards to Dark Shamanism, but I’m also afraid to get a definitive answer.

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Ideally, I’d love to see mages being able to specc in future expansions to summon Elementals aligned to their chosen specc.

Frost Mages can summon their Water/Glyphed Ice Elementals.

Fire Mages can summon Fire/Glyphed Magma Elementals as a end-level talent and have it’s auto-attacks randomly give them free crits to use their class abilities with.

Arcane Mages could summon an Arcane Elemental like Khadgar does that sits there and spits out arcane missiles and grants them a bit faster mana recharge in battle if the correct ability is toggled.

It’d be a nice, fun little “Hey, you’re an Archmage, screw the rules at this point.”


I’m wondering if he came back got reported and earned another forum vacation.

Dude has been oddly quiet for, well himself.


That’s what I was thinking! Maybe it’s time to screw the rules already :smirk:

the thumbs down was to show you a different way to dislike, ya goof


I played my orc mage as a failed shaman. I RP’d that the water elemental they summoned wasn’t sentient and just a construct that could follow basic instructions but nothing more than that.

That would likely be a good way for Blizzard to explain mage elementals vs shaman elementals because I assume shaman elementals are sentient creatures from the elemental plateau correct?

I’m a little lost on those details but makes me wanna go back and play that character again.

This is actually a really neat idea that also sounds really sad to me as a player and is probably kind of really heartbreaking for the orc.

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It does start out as a real bummer but if I had continued to RP on them, ideally the growth would be positive and they’d eventually come to terms with their strength wielding arcane magic and become a competent mage.


No where to go from the bottom but up.


No matter how far you’ve fallen, you can always sink lower.

Inspirational quotes from Quinn


Now I want to RP them again :sob:

The original (WC1) lore was that they were created out of vapor in the air.

At first, that sounds like creating a sentient water elemental, but on the other hand, wouldn’t pushing a bunch of natural world forces together be kind of in-line with what arcane manipulation is?

Personally, I prefer the idea of them being arcane constructs just because it sidesteps the whole “Mages are Dark Shaman” debacle rather neatly. Though honestly, who knows?

This is also the differentiation I interpreted between Shaman elementals and Mage elementals. Former were sentient beings, latter were non-sentient constructs.

I RPed my orc mage as having spent years studying Kalimag and proper shamanistic customs so he could appeal to his elemental rather than forcibly bind one with magic alone. This resulted in a water elemental that was not only more robust and helpful, but with more personality and something of a sense of humor.


Arcane mages used to have the ability to summon wee elemental familiars. They didn’t fight or anything, just followed you around.

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It’s a toy now.

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Dab Against Lore Violence. DALV


I suddenly wanna level a mage

oh yeah i remember that glyph, i was gonna–

…LIFE SAVER tyvm :sob::+1:

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