GamePad help: Invert X-Axis

Hello, I am new to the default GamePad support (no add-ons) and am loving it. However, my girlfriend is having trouble because she always plays with inverted camera (right-analog stick) controls.

We found that inverting the Y-Axis on the GamePad Right-Analog Stick was super easy by clicking on the “Invert Mouse” in the “Controls” options. However, this does not affect the X-Axis.

Does anyone know how to invert the X-Axis on the GamePad Right-Analog stick? Perhaps a console command I am unaware of?

I haven’t the first clue, but I asked Perplexity AI, which I have found good for this type of niche question, and I got

To invert the X-axis on the right analog stick of a gamepad in World of Warcraft, you can utilize a third-party application that allows for controller remapping, as the game does not natively support this feature. Here are two effective methods:
Method 1: Using Steam’s Controller Configuration

Add the Game to Steam: If you are using the Epic Games Launcher, add it as a non-Steam game in your Steam library.
Open Controller Configuration:
    Right-click on the game in your Steam library and select "Properties."
    Click on "Controller" and then "Controller Configuration."
Configure the Right Stick:
    Select the right stick configuration, which is typically labeled as "Joystick Move."
    Navigate to "Additional Settings" at the bottom right.
    For the X-axis, switch the "Invert Horizontal Axis" option to "On."
Launch the Game: Start World of Warcraft through Steam, and the configuration will apply automatically


Method 2: Using DS4Windows or Similar Software

Download DS4Windows: This software allows you to remap your gamepad inputs.
Configure the Gamepad:
    Open DS4Windows and connect your gamepad.
    Go to the "Profiles" tab and create a new profile or edit an existing one.
    Locate the right analog stick settings.
Invert the X-Axis:
    You can manually set the X-axis for the right stick to invert it. This usually involves setting the scale to a negative value (e.g., changing from Scale=1 to Scale=-1).
Save and Apply: Save your changes and ensure DS4Windows is running when you start World of Warcraft.
Launch the Game: Start the game, and the new settings should take effect


These methods will help you achieve the desired control scheme for your gameplay experience in World of Warcraft.

This is all Greek to me, but if you want to ask it any follow-up questions, you can find it at

and my search question was

In World of Warcraft, using GamePad support, how can I invert the X-Axis on the GamePad Right-Analog stick?

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Thanks for the info. I guess we will try the first option by adding WoW as a non-Steam game in Steam.

The DS4Windows looks like it would be easier but it seems made exclusively for Playstation controllers, and she is using the XBOX Series S/X controller.

When I change the question accordingly

In World of Warcraft, using GamePad support, how can I invert the X-Axis on the GamePad Right-Analog stick using the XBOX Series S/X controller.

I get a different answer

To invert the X-Axis on the right analog stick of an Xbox Series S/X controller while playing World of Warcraft, you can use the following methods based on the gamepad support introduced in Patch 9.0.1:

Method 1: In-Game Console Command

Enable Gamepad Support: First, ensure that your gamepad is enabled in the game. You can do this by typing the following command in the chat box:

/console GamePadEnable 1

Adjust Axis Settings: Unfortunately, there is no direct in-game option to invert the X-Axis specifically. However, you can check if any community-developed tools or addons like ConsolePort provide additional configuration options for axis inversion.

Method 2: Using External Software
If the in-game options do not meet your needs, consider using external software such as reWASD:

Download and Install reWASD: This software allows you to customize your gamepad settings extensively.
Create a Profile: Open reWASD and create a new profile for World of Warcraft.
Invert Axis: Within the profile settings, you can find options to adjust the stick behavior. Look for the setting to invert the X-Axis on the right analog stick and apply the changes.
Save and Apply: After making your adjustments, save the profile and apply it to start using the new settings in the game


While World of Warcraft does not currently offer a built-in option to invert the X-Axis for gamepad controls, using external software like reWASD can provide the necessary customization. Keep an eye on future updates or community addons that may enhance gamepad functionality further.

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Looks like reWASD will be the way to go! Thank you so much for your help!

See also free alternatives

I can’t ofc confirm that any of them is any good, but maybe worth a look if all you want it for is this one function.

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