GAMEBREAKING BUG - Warrior rune unobtainable

I have been trying for 2 days to get the warrior rune - “Taste for blood”. Other accounts have reported this issue a month ago on reddit and on these forums.

The last part of the rune acquisition - summoning the elite mob Iodax the Obliterator - is impossible as the head no longer spawns. This is a MAJOR game breaking bug.

I’ll be honest here. I leveled all the way to 50 only to run into an issue that breaks the game for me as an Arms warrior. Considering quitting the game if this isn’t fixed ASAP.


Bro can’t get head


But there’s two helm runes that utilize shields/defense you can get for your dps instead?

A guild member of mine was doing the quest and I just tagged along for the kill. Didn’t gather any of the parts. Maybe see if you can’t find someone the head spawned for that can do it and group with them?

I want to play arms. No shield thank you.

I wanna play with your feet


Can I play with the wrists?

Wrist water whippin cooking crack up in the kitchen

People wonder why aggrend said what he said about the forums.

Yeah I also wish people used the proper forums for bugs instead of GD.


… okay?

Its more the fact that you get 2 replies into anything and its already turned into one of four things.

  1. Parsewar

  2. Personal flamewar

  3. “Pvp happened on a pvp server”

  4. “Git gud”

Honestly, thats all the people here are able to muster as intellectual conversation anyhow.

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Definitely tried grouping with others as well. Many other warriors have been arriving at the location with the same issue. =(

Blizz forums would be better with flair system like reddit uses.

I had the gladiator rune quest bug on my alt about almost a month after p3 launch, I had to go hostile with Gadgetzan and kill the goblin that starts the quest to reset him and be able to do it.

look dude they’re only a team of like 5 people at a billion dollar company now owned by Microsoft, it’s not like they can afford the resources to not have these issues several weeks into the content being out. CUT THEM SOME SLACK

I can understand this is incredible frustrating and I hope it gets fixed soon, it probably won’t though this team is full interns.

Warlocks also have a huge issue, our pet’s spawn with half life EVERYWHERE. I am pretty sure you could understand being in a BG and then you need to get right back into the fight but you have to heal your pet first each and every time then you have to life tap and bandage/eat to get that mana back…

This as I’m pretty sure that Warrior rune bug has been reported over and over, but these interns are probably playing pin the tail on the new employee instead of doing their jobs, it is Blizzard you know.

Not being able to get head is a very real and very serious issue

Coming up on the end of day 3.
Still no respawn. Ticket succesfully ignored by blizzard with an automated response telling me to check wowhead.

I was a SoD lover. I’m quickly losing interest at this point. This isn’t a minor issue… among MANY others.

The golem head does indeed respawn on WEEKLY server update.
makes sure to get up at 8am sharp. when i logged on 4 other warriors where allready there waiting for it.

Yeah its also been an issue ever since classic vanilla. Loads of people that couldnt get head, waiting in SW for the Ony head drop.

Thanks for the update. So basically the respawn only works with the server reset. Great.
I can TRY to get the rune once a week.

I was excited to play an alt until this. As if getting runes on alts wasn’t time consuming enough…