I tried getting into WoW before and never really took off. I came back with the new update (shadowlands) because of some friends who were playing. So, give it a shot again. Ive been enjoying the game and completed the campaign, time to run some dungeons? Yea, no. The community is by far the worst any game, Ive played, has ever had. I have been trying to run a castle nathria raid for a minute to get items needed for my build and every raid I sign up for gets declined… I’ve done loads of normal raids and dungeons, even mythic’s. But when I sign up for a mythic raid I get declined, because my item level is too low. Okay, understandable. “Go run heroic or normal.” Sign up for a heroic, declined one after the other. Okay, maybe my item level, 196, is too low for that one too. Sign up for a normal, same thing declined one after the other. Actually get a response from some dink named shampoo-42, who asks if I know the fights. Id like to think by doing normal raids and what not I should know them by now right? No this dink says I dont know anything and should go run normals! How are you going to create a normal raid, decline me because “yOu DOnT KnOw bOsS”, and then tell me to go run normals? You’re hosting a normal you donk… I guess some people enjoy running the same thing over and over again, just to get told to $@%^ off when you try to que up to get better loot and then having to sell your soul for someone to accept your request. But its not for me.