Game Time Redeem and a Rant

I just want to get this off my chest, i spend my free time playing WOW when i can, and tbh it’s not always easy for me to get money to spend on game time, so i save a couple of months and play one.

the thing that bothers me a lot is related to the game time gifted as a result of the implementation of the warband system, i know that it was only just one day of game time, but it got me exited to unlock my Remix toons and get them ready to play TWW in a few months, so i redeemed the gift and to my bad luck i could play only half of that time, because again Blizzard decided to be anti-fun and increasing leveling difficulty, to TWW, changing a lot of things with almost 4 hours of manteinance and who knows how many more hours lost on loggin bugs and in game things impossible to use.

it will be good that they reimburse or add those hours lost to NA realms which happen to be always in the middle of the day when most of players loggin,

but well yeah, that sucks