Game Time Incoming for Players on North American Realms

Didn’t get this compensation, are we supposed to keep waiting to see if we get it? I asked a GM and they basically said “not our problem”.

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It is apparently on the Bnet app, under “gifts” I have not seen it on my account yet.

I’m thinking it’s just taking a while to roll out to all accounts. If it were a simple “we automatically added one day of time to your accounts” I’d agree, but this is like a token of game time that you have almost a year to redeem.

Who knows /shrug

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Yeah, not seeing it on my bnet app either. I have a feeling Blizz messed up and missed people.


Never got mine

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should’ve just gave players a title called “Lost time” or “Time Wasted”

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Its 48 cents worth of Sub now…give it time…they roll them out in waves…but really its only worth is 48 cents of sub cost.

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I hate to be that guy, but I guess I’ll make a bnet ticket since I never received it. I’m that petty.