Game suddenly freezes computer

I just checked my drivers, says they are up to date.

I did they same thing, and out of frustration forced an update from the site and it fixed it. Mileage may vary, but it does seem to work for some people.

Okay so this was just a simple compatibility issue with the launcher and the graphics driver then? Thanks for your kind help Ddot. I was think ooooo man time for a new pc.

Update my NDIVIA driver to the 452.06 solved the issue. Don’t just do the Windows driver update, it’ll say your driver is current. Need to go to NDIVIA and download the 452.06 driver manually.

Having same issue…puter freezes before i can hit play button. I will try the driver update…

oh and it automatically reboots my system after about 2-3 minutes of lockup

edit: the vid driver update worked.

Same thing, only battle net launcher, locks pc with DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION.

You can run the game directly by starting wow.exe.

Thankyou Evam. This solved my issue

Bumping that i’m having the same issue. Computer locks up for 3 minutes followed by BSOD when battlenet opens. Thank god for auto-save and document recovery in MS word.

Hey there,

We are tracking this over on this main thread. So far, for folks who did not resolve the issue by reinstalling graphics drivers using DDU, the fix has been to disable browser hardware acceleration.

To disable hardware acceleration, make sure you’re logged out. Click the settings cog wheel just above where you’d normally log in. Once you’re in settings, click on advanced then uncheck the box for browser hardware acceleration. Should be good to go after that!

Hope the info helps. Let us know how things go!

So, no one has considered removing the embedded videos to solve the problem?

It’s clearly a problem just with the battle net launcher, and not the PCs themselves.

Use the WoW icon inside of your retail folder. It bypasses the launcher and you will be able to play.

I was having the same problem. Doing a fresh install of WoW will not help. You need to update the Nvidia Drivers. I suggest downloading the Geforce Experience online if you don’t have it. Use it to update the the newest (Sept 12th) Game Ready Driver. That is what fixed it for me.

happened earlier today. It’s a real issue, mouse doesn’t move, ctrl shift escape does nothing, alt f4 does nothing.


No, I know it’s a real issue, but it only happens with the launcher and not anything else on my pc.

I mean from the launcher, from the other thread there was thought that videos in the launcher are causing it, related to a graphics driver. So instead of spending hours try to remove and reinstall graphics drivers, I suggest Blizzard remove the offending videos from the launcher.

Panic averted. Was having this same exact issue and seeing how I built my new computer like 8 weeks ago(I was impatient for 3000 series cards. I regret everything). I updated my gpu driver via the Nvidia website and turned off hardware acceleration and it worked. It seems to be an issue with some Nvidia cards looking at the main thread.

Hey all,

We’ve made some changes to the WoW screen in the Desktop App and removed the animated video that we believed was causing this. Things should be looking better now, but feel free to chime back in if you’re still experiencing issues. We’ll leave this thread open for a few more days.

In general it does seem like updating to the latest Nvidia driver resolved this for the majority of those affected. A good reminder that it’s important to keep your graphics drivers updated. :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Whiskeypally’s crashes

And yes, I am using SSD for my World of Warcraft game. Not sure if that contributed or not

I agree that them not just taking down the video was silly, but at the same time it also helps to update your drivers, as it’s always possible to run into similarly troublesome videos out there in the wilds of the internet which will also cause fatal errors, and the latest version of the drivers stop offending videos from bluescreening you.