Game pausing in dungeons, players NPCs run in place

This is happening to me several times per dungeon, to the point that (as I play healer) it is wiping groups. It lasts 5-7 seconds at a time. Typcially seems to happen when big AOEs are being cast.

Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060
Driver version 566.03 (current)
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-core Processor
31.91GB RAM
1920 x 1080, 60Hz

I’ve followed the Quazii video to optimize my game graphics settings as well.

I run ElvUI and Weakauras, but even when I’ve disabled these addons, I still experience this issue.

Is anyone else seeing this happening? Do you have a fix?


It does sounds like a latency issue, no idea where from though, try optimizing your connection.

Graphics or CPU power aside, this is likely not a PC issue.

A UI reset, not just disabled mods, is recommended but probably won’t help if there is latency in the network.

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