Game loading very slowly

recently my load times to get into the game have been taking close to 2 minutes when before were just a few seconds. also once I do get into the game it takes another 20 seconds for the assets to load. the last time this happened was because my cpu was too old but I fixed that last year and I know that is not my problem. task manager only shows 30% - 50% cpu usage with majority coming from wow. I have ran antivirus scans, defrags, removed unused programs. everything I can think of except reformating my hard drive.

Lets go ahead and reset your UI to default. After it is reset test game

lmfao typical gm response. lets remove hours of work you have done setting up your addons just to find out it did nothing to fix your problem. sorry tsm takes far too long to setup for that.

You don’t lose them if you follow the directions and rename the folders to .old.

It’s a standard, non destructive troubleshooting step.

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