Game kept booting me after about 15 seconds. Now taking foreever to reinstall

Not sure but after the 1 Oct 2024 patch i keep getting booted after about 15 seconds of play time, Ran the repair utility, same problem. Dropped all addons same problem. Ran repair utility after removing all addons same problem. Trying to reinstall the game. left the Bizard update on all night still at 15% I have a pretty nice new computer and really fast Internet. Restarted computer, the game is at 15% and not playable and the download is like 3Megapuppies. OMG

Same. Did you get this fixed? I can play on all my characters that aren’t in the new expansion but when I try to log on to my warlock in the ringing deeps it keeps kicking me.

I too started have problems with my new computer I bought in June. It has been running wow with no problems until yesterday. While in game, I was kicked out of game and my computer did an automatic reboot. Twice.
This morning, the same thing happened. I did a scan and repair of wow. I did manage to play a little.

However when I go to log into the game, my pw goes through but as I start to enter, my computer automatically reboots itself.

I have no idea what to do next.

Now yesterday I downloaded the pre-content update for Diablo IV. That wouldn’t aafect this, would it?

Now I click on wow the log in through the battlenet application, but I cannot even get to the character screen when my computer automatically reboots itself.

I did a scan and repair of wow.
Updated my video graphic
Windows 11 is updated

Wired or wireless. To start with

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