Game just isn't fun anymore

Counter argument. Over time if things do not change and grow and adapt, it stagnates and becomes too easy and too boring and you end up at the same result of banging your head against a wall

Wait for 3 sunders and frostbolt spam is not peak gameplay

There is a whole lot of room between that and what we have today. I mentioned BFA was the last time I played and I didn’t feel that way about combat then. What we have today is that turned to 11 it seems. Plenty of middle ground that can be reached in there.

No its just the other side of the coin

Classes were more complex, but fights were easier

Now its classes are easier and fights are more complex

Back then you focused more heavily on properly executing a rotation than dancing around mechanics. And it was considered harder.

Now classes are easier so you dont have to focus on your rotation as much and can give more attention to your surroundings

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I hear you OP.

I’ve done a couple of Delves, and while they are fun, they are also well…Bloated. That’s not an ideal definition, but I feel overwhelmed. Constant, intense content that just keeps going on and on. Use everything for the most part, on my bars (which for some classes is a Lot.) Still just keep hacking away. It’s not overly difficult, it’s just too much for too long. Once I complete the content I have to log off for a couple of hours and rest. I’m wiped out. It’s not fun.

I don’t come on to be exhausted, I come on to have fun and play, not run an Iron Man Marathon.

I love the solo bit as I don’t have dedicated play time to group with others. Plus I dislike the ascerbicness of others that is so prevalent these days in group content.

But, I’ve rather quit the Delves. I don’t mind intense, if it doesn’t go on so long! A short intense is fine, but this is crazy.

I agree that it feels like it’s created for ADHD. Not saying all players have this or that it fits everyone, don’t take this personally either. If you have ADHD you have it, no problem. I’m not being derogatory here.

But for some of us who don’t… The content is too extreme to be fun. We are probably a minority though and majority rules. :slight_smile:

Still, takes away the fun. I don’t do that content. I play for fun.

These days I just level up though DF then park the toon, or just do some repeated quests. Level up another toon…

I don’t care for TWW other than Dorn, Dorn is fun. After that… ugh. lol



I just feel a lot of mixed signals.

“it’s not about it being too hard. it’s about it not being easy enough to get high end rewards that I can just simply coast and not pay much attention”

like…we are saying it’s not about the challenge. then continue to outline how the challenge is too much.

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At the end of the day it’s just a game. If you’re not having fun anymore, just stop. Take a break, or just hang them up.

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Maybe we’re missing the point because we’re not having this issue? Because it’s really not that big of an issue. Like you said, it’s not difficult, so therefor it’s not an issue.


Personally I find the present course of PvE design in most Mmos to be in one direction - Abilities per minute, and ‘always be pushing buttons’.
Not really mentally challenging just - how good are you at pretending to be having a seizure.
I find myself doing less and less group based PvE in all Mmos now, as Apm play doesn’t appeal to my desire for more thinking and strategy.
At least in PvP I can still plan, strategize, and use my burst + xyz axis environment.
And yes before someone says it, I did in fact prefer it when things took longer and required more thought/strategy - dungeons/raids per hour was never my goal.
/shrug probably nearing the end of my Mmo road, and that’s fine.
My wallet will thank me.


…by doing what your class is designed to do.

The thing about games is that they exist for entertainment only. If you don’t find a game fun, go do something else.

Yea they’ve really screwed up the combat in this game. And I blame two main things.

  1. Scaling introduced in late BFA.
  2. The new talent trees.

Combined, these two things make your class a guitar hero simulator meanwhile all the enemies feel improperly balanced.

So basically…it’s just bad.


“Anxiety inducing by design”

Great summary of current out of touch dev design


It’s an old game. Old design.

I don’t think there’s much the devs can do besides making WOW 2 at this point.

I don’t even raid anymore. I just do M+ (sorta) and play casually.


I think they COULD focus on making the nexts expansions leveling experience better.

I feel like people would be pretty satisified with that direction. (Even tho blizzard would probably end up screwing it up more)

Game just isn’t fun anymore

Why are you staying if it sucks? Why not vote with your wallet and find a new shiny MMO?

I’ll vote with my wallet when I have had my fill. I don’t really play any other MMO’s anymore. WoW for all the warts it has grown over the years is still my favorite.

For now I still have a few classes I am enjoying playing. When that wears off I’ll quietly dip out. I do always find it odd when other players encourage people to leave instead of discuss issues they have, like you realize that just hurts the game as a whole right? Ehh, anyway…


Yea people love coming to discussion forums to NOT discuss the game apparently.

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I saw another thread here today, one about the “why won’t you be a healer or tank” thread that had kind of the same vibe. A lot of the “its the adhd gameplay”. This is something that seems to be a rather large issue. Someone should be talking about it. /shrug

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Discussing your issues and offering feedback is amazing, and encouraged! It absolutely helps shape the game and improve QoL for all involved. But that’s not what happened here. While you had feedback, you drizzled in certain comments that lead most readers to believe you are either bored or pissed.

Is it easy and just not fun, or is it hard and just not fun? Also, as someone who has suffered from ADHD since 1979, maybe that is why I enjoy the game so much. If you could decide a few things, you would be less misunderstood, and garner more support:

  • Is it fun or not?
  • Is it easy or not?
  • It is over complicated or not?
  • Is it tuned to 11, or is it still around a 7 with some effort?

Honest, direct feedback about the mechanics, content etc, without the personal color commentary would have had me saying, “Yes, I agree and feel like all of this should be addressed.” But to pull a horrible analogy from your own post, your post felt like my ADHD and was all over the place. It really read like you were threatening to quit, but ultimately just wanted some attention by making a post. Good luck to you.

Oh, and FYI… if every complainer turned into a well articulated Feedback enthusiast, no one would ever tell them to unsub. I challenge people to “stand on principle” and unsub, cause most of the ones who threaten to do so never will… cause they don’t have the guts to.

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I felt like I’ve been pretty consistent here. You can read into it what you want or not. /shrug