Game is so buggy what is going on?

cant interact with quest givers and vendors right click on them, and they react like normal and say their lines. but nothing comes up.

constant disconnects all morning, haven’t played tonight yet.

last night i startednoting texture flickers idk what it is. everything just flickers as you run i tried clean WTF default graphics options. wont fix.

Sometimes theres lock ups i don’t really know how to explain them they happen sometimes for just 1 second at a time.

game taking forever to start

im tired all this…

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This is your antivirus and/or Internet connection, unless you actually have some bad RAM or GPU.

Regardless, this is a problem with your computer.

I’ve experienced none of that today.

Or any day this xpac.


you’ll get some pretty trash responses here such as:

Blizzard is aware of a few of these things you listed. I would submit your information on the tech support forums for these issues:

Use paste bin or something smiilar and give Blizzard your hardware information so they can solve these issues.

Disconnecting could be caused from anti cheat if you are talking about flying in DF zones. It’s been very common.

Why are you over here messing with people. Go back to classic forums troll.


Making a factual statement isn’t messing with people.

Would a hug help, friend?

What is factual about your statement?

Maybe for you but these have been issues people have discussed since prepatch so IDK what you’re talking about.

i havent either. only time i really remember having issues is right after the servers come up after maintenance when things are a bit slow, and thats probably just from server load

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Reading Is FUNdamental.

typical crap response. The alter ego thing you got going on on these forums is weird…(putting it nicely)

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The only problem I’ve had was the weirdness with the Trading Post, and that seems to be fixed now.

Tell us how you really feel, friend.

I’m all fairness what they said likely wasn’t a lie. They said they’re not experiencing issues. Not that that info was particularly useful to anyone.

trolling didn’t work out for ya on the classic forums did it? So you have to come here so people don’t call you out anymore. Pathetic.

They are a classic troll. They prob don’t even play retail. Glinda has been going at it since classic launch. Got ran off the classic forums prob.

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happened to me just this week, loading in right after servers came up was agonizing. all of my load times were 3 times as long as usual. i figure the servers are just warming up or something, i aint an IT person

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You seem angry, friend.

That hug is still available.


ty game plays like crap since dragonflight laucnh

Update your drivers
Update your addons
Delete your addons
Delete your addons, cache and WTF folders
Update windows 11
Go back to DX 11
Don’t run any programs in the background.
Stop streaming and playing

It’s WoW. All of my other games run fine, but WoW stutters, fps drops, and hitches every now and then.

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Sounds like the NPC’s are boycotting you. Have you killed any NPC’s lately? :hot_face:

The OP said that the game was buggy and listed the issues they were having.

I simply stated that I was not experiencing those issues.

Perhaps it isn’t the game? Just a thought.