Game hits a gear wall atm. m+9 is not fun in pugs

Tww is the worst season start we had so far.


You mean high end content isn’t great in pug groups?

That’s crazy! Completely unheard of


Calm down chicken little. Still have 20 weeks to flex the epeen

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oh no , hard content is hard


this is a helpful and constructive post. thank you OP for your insight.

Most people weren’t pugging 19s week 2 in df season 1, don’t know why people think they should easily pug 9s in week 2 now

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Well worth the read!

Thats why Im not rushing it. I hit 2k, and I know 2.5k will happen as I grind for crests. Everything after 2.5k is vanity so it’s moot for me.

They’ll also make changes and fix bugs, theres some issues such as hooks hitting orbs vs. The boss in Necrotic Wake. I’ve also had a pull where the hook would just go sideways no matter what. Then, I’ve had issues where some ground spell animations will overwrite enemies spell markers in Grim Batol.

First two weeks of Mythic+ especially in older dungeons is always a mess. As it’s hardly tested.

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same everyone will eventually get there and with the crest caps it is pointless to rush rush zerg.

but at the same time. the finders are pretty dead compared to seasons past. like dead dead.

for fun i just counted 86 groups in the finder. and i think 20 of them were randoms wts runs. yea dead for week 3 of a brand new xpac and brand new season. normally would be scrolling for 10mins lol.

I think even though everyone acknowledges 0=10 we’ve all got something trained into our brains that says 9’s shouldn’t be too bad.

From my perspective it’s pretty rough to continue gearing at that level, in DF and before you could hit mythic gear doing 15’s on both weeks. Now they want us to do 19s to get gilded crests, and that’s where the bit of the wall is. I’m capped on runed, sitting around 613, my only option currently is 9’s. Doable but like op said, they’re tough in pugs and I mainly pug. It’s just a bummer to have regressed in the amount I can progress, if that makes sense.

Pretty laughable take. The expansion has barely started and you are moaning about the highest endgame content.

Go outside and feel the grass on your feet or the warm sun on your pallid skin.

I pity you

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It’ probably will go down as one of the worst seasons of all time. And then maybe they’ll learn their lesson about tanks

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This game has never been fun in pugs, join a guild or make friends.

20 years of WOW… have pugs ever really been fun?

A lot of people dont have good enchants, 4 piece, decent trinkets, jewelry fully socketed, embellishment or use good consumables.

There is a lot of player power that people will start to get when the prices calm down and they also get more gear.


eh, SL was worse for tanks

Apparently Blizz putting mythic+ gear/reward marginally aligned with raids has killed the game lol.