I’m on Hakkar and the character list is missing. My other realm Blackwater Raiders seems fine though.
Currently trapped inside the Emerald Dream; portal non-functioning, hearthstone won’t work. Logged out, logged back in, black screen.
An update is just finishing loading right now; maybe it’s a fix.
Trying again.
2 hours in and still looking at a blank character screen.
I’ve had to go do RL stuff and do adulting and I am displeased.
the character boost token is now back, but still unable to see/create or play on chromaggus & garrosh. game is just fine on Illidan.
Still down on Aegwynn looks like, growing very irritated now. Must. Farm. Rep! Lol
Nope. The update didn’t fix it. Still seeing a black character/enter-world screen.
I have Characters on Aegwynn, Hakkar, Gurubashi, And Garrosh and since they are all connected i cannot see any of my characters to log in.
This is a fun bonding moment for all of us. Should start a support group maybe
i managed to get on just now
This is happening again to me on the Drenden server for the 2nd time in two days at nearly the same time a.m. Game froze, had to hard quit and now there is no character list generating when I try to log in. Whatever it is, it’s back atm.
Same with Etrigg-Shu’Halo, game has been unplayable since the downtime began Tuesday.
Exact same thing here on Etrigg-Shu’Halo