Game frequently unresponsive, can still chat/see combat messages from NPCs

Hi all, need some help for this really frustrating problem. For the past month or so I’ve been having issues where my retail wow client “stutters” frequently, ie during combat I often get 2-3 seconds of lag where it seems I might disconnect then everything catches up and seems OK for a bit. Frustrating, especially when trying to do group content.

But my problem has gotten worse over the past week or so, I now frequently will have instances where the “stuttering” does not fix itself. Sometimes (maybe 30% of the time) the stuttering will hang for 10-12 seconds and result in a disconnect back to the login screen. More frequently (the other 70% of the time) the stuttering hangs indefinitely. My character can move around in the world, but I can’t execute any new actions or interact with objects or NPCs.

The entire time this indefinite stuttering is happening I can chat with my group members, post to general chat, even can see combat messages from NPCS (let me tell you it was F***ing irritating seeing the Zekvir message confirming he killed me during my character being stuck in time). In fact, I am currently writing this post while my character got stuck during a dragon riding world quest and slowly drifted to the bottom of azj kahet… the only way to start playing again is to force quit out and relog in.

Importantly, my home and world MS is never above 60 in these instances… I can also anecdotally say that there does not appear to be any interruption in any other internet related thing I may be doing… so seems hard to believe something with my connection is wonky.

Now I am not super tech savvy, so I’ve been reading around to see what people having similar issues have tried doing to alleviate the problem. None of these have worked for me:
-I’ve tried using the repair tool in the launcher
-I’ve tried resetting my modem and router.
-I’ve tried flushing the DNS of my connection.
-I’ve tried running a packet loss tool and it does not appear I’m losing any packets in my connection.
-I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling all my GPU drives.

I’m play on a gaming laptop (don’t judge me, I like the mobility!), here is what I’m using:

|Processor|Intel(R) Core™ i9-14900HX 2.20 GHz|
|Installed RAM|32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
RTX laptop 4070
I thought the old wifi card might have been bad, so I replaced it with an intel 6e ax211 card during all this

I am not sure what other diagnostics I can run to figure out what is going on… I appreciate any help you all can give me!! It’s gotten to the point where I’ve bricked a few people’s keys so I really feel like I can’t play at all with this current issue =(


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I am having this same issue! I just came back to wow for the first time after a month. I never had these issues before.

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Sorry dude! I know how frustrating this problem is. Really hopeful someone here will be able to point us in the right direction. I’m really at a loss for how to figure out what even is my problem.

Sounds like you’re being desynced from the server, which would be related to your local connection (on the machine or the router).

Perhaps something is updating/scanning in the background and messing with the connection. Or maybe the WiFi router itself is on the way out.

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