Game features you want?

An open world pve dungeon/cave were many ppl can join and get lewt.

Hot women in game (NOO NOT FRUITS :rage:)

Easy. Switching characters without having to log out/ log in every time.


Look, you obviously cannot comprehend what im saying. You go round and round back to raiding.


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player housing

Development team focusing on the game instead of making political statements nobody cares about.

• Player Housing
• Worgen tails
• Mount speed toggle
• Necklaces for all races/genders
• Totally revamped crafting profs
• Farming crops at player housing
• Transmog dyes
• All races can be all classes
• An RP server thats 21+
• Tons more story quests that form a cohesive storyline from base game onward

• my Big Love Rocket name back
• Our flirts and jokes back
● The Wow Devs to actually talk to us like human beings and communicate regularly with us

  • Interface toggle to bring back classic nameplates and damage numbers ( I know about the add-on but it’s not completely same)
  • Glyphs that bring back old spell animation / sounds

What other gear are you referring to then when you make this statement:

You are obviously referring to higher ilvl raid gear.

Other than +16 and up Mythics, what else is there to end game today?

If you are not raiding or doing +16 Mythics you do not need the same ilvl gear as those that are. There for an alternate means to acquire end game raid gear/mythic gear is unnecessary.

So you are correct, I cannot comprehend what you are saying because you simply are not making a point, much less a supporting argument for a point.

To this time you have only said you want the same ilvl gear as end game raiders and +16 Mythic players because you want it, but you don’t want to do end game raiding or Mythics to acquire it.

Unconvincing argument and a hard pass.

Try to break your mind and imagine a game where blizz actually gives every type of player an endgame, and not just your narrow ideal. No one cares if you hard pass, you are not the only player.

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They could also comment and un-do the requirement of all of your alts needing X Rating to upgrade gear. The rating should be account wide, at least in order to upgrade gear.

The “All” option on the Addon pane to actually apply to ALL toons.