Folks rushed a rushed first patch, people complain there’s nothing to do on the launch week when we DON’T have early access, surprising… or rather I should say shouldn’t surprise, no one… early access sped up the already lopsided rate at which content is produced vs consumed.
They’re Bots or AI computer
Yea i noticed at like 7pm there where no one at AH lol
Khadgar-Alleria here, nah there’s people everywhere and Hallowfall is like traffic in Los Angeles or the GTA.
It’s busy, but then again I couldn’t ever tell with how invasive the phasing and sharding is
Just when you’re doing your thing with dozens of others, POOF welcome to shard of eternal darkness and loneliness worthy of Desolace at 6 AM
I’m looking at you EZ mine node of semi existence!
Prolly your realm. MG is hopping.
I’ve got mythic gear, and I’m a pleb.
Do you want a cookie with your milk also
WoW must be undead from all the times it has died!
(edit I forgot an s!)
Your server is giga dead. Game’s hugely populated on my server.
It must mean people are out playing the game.
Maybe get off the forums for a little bit to clean your palette. Games doing fine
You can tell how healthy stuff is by how fast your crafting orders get filled.
I put something up, had some clown msg me about how I’d be waiting a while for it and he’ll do it for quadruple the tip I listed. As I was replying to him someone filled the order out, max rank. This was in the span of like 3 minutes.
Idk about dying but my interest has certainly waned. If that’s the confirmation bias you were seeking.
Idk if you’re being sarcastic or not, there’s like 10 players only on that screenshot in the main city hub
Sometimes it’s kind of dead, even in Dornogal. I’m on Area 52 and it’s usually got a lot of people on but yesterday I noticed there were a lot less in Dorn and in the open world.
I figured they were all raiding/m+ and would show up eventually.
It’s never completely dead though. It’s a huge server but yeah, yesterday it was slow.
It happens sometimes. People have lives so have to do stuff.
According to the minority of players who enter notes in the forums, WoW has been dying since it launched. During that time it spent 20 years as the number one MMO on the planet.
So maybe it’s not dying, it’s undead.
That’s a pretty good deal.
You’re a rogue, just go steal some.
I noticed this. It’s like the pacing is off and makes me wish I’d waited about a month to get TWW instead of wishing I’d done early access.
It makes it feel off, goofy somehow.