Game Disconnect (WOW51900319) on only one Alt

An alt in Draenor, disconnects just after logon. I have removed the WTF, etc folders and rerun. My character had just transitioned out of a video. Anyway, every time I return to logon to that character (all the others are fine), I disconnect just after the world appears.

Anyway–this only happens on one alt in Draenor. All new folders, no Addons running.

reports have said that players are disconnecting while running or exiting north of there garrison… is this the issue you’re getting?

@Cooperbrew—yes, I set off on an early quest heading north from my just-built garrison

Known issue…
Go to the left or right of road on the hill.
Both ways on quest.

thanks! Will get unstuck and give that a try.

UPDATE: that worked!! I reached the quest site (north of garrison) by flying north of it and ground traveling south back

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I’m having a very similar problem. I just finished a quest, and now Gazlow has built a chicken to fly me back to my garrison. When I arrive and show falling from the sky, a mission complete message shows up, I fall through the world, then disconnect with (WOW51900319). Another character on the same server is fine. I do not have any addons.

How did you get “Unstuck” if you cant log on?
Having the same issue


There is a web based unstuck

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I am having this exact issue. I wanted to have this character 60 this weekend, but I can’t log into it.


This worked for my hunter alt in Draenor.

Glad to help

Dang I thought this worked for me but I am still stuck disconnecting north of the garrison.

That’s a known issue. Take a different path.


having the same problem. was taking a boat, fell off the boat now every time i use my character (level 60 warrior, main) he falls 2 feet in the water the game freezes and it disconnects me. help please…

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