Game dead?

returned after 2 years playing classic. been playing now for 2 weeks. have not met a single person. still guildless. can’t do basic quests which require a group. how does anyone play this game?

We’re all just in stealth

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  1. Take professions where I can make my own gear.
  2. Do the quests I can while gathering materials, making and equiping said gear.
  3. Go to another area.
  4. Go to 2.

Not much else you can do if no one else is around. The challenge is to see how good you can be with what gear you have.

ED is very dead, play on another server.

Join a community. Don’t have to start over elsewhere or transfer. if you wanna make friends, you gotta put yourself out there and try them out. join their discords. chit chat some. if you don’t like what you hear, move on and try another.

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Classic > Retail

All the cool kids are playing on Grobbulus