Game Crashing when using Spectral Sight

Still crashing. Why was this marked as resolved?

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can you plz fix this issue blizzard i really shouldn’t have to alter my settings because you made a mistake. just an edit but by chance did any of you guys download an addon called plunder button? i deleted it and most of my issues went away back out of the client and it updated

Because the dev team already acknowledged it and that’s the extent of information/resolution that will be available in this player-supported forum.

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It shows more than just enemies. Workaround might be fine for pvp folks. I used it heavily for farming.

Total noob here, where can I see the dev team acknowledgement or follow updates?

This seems to be fixed now. I just tested it and was able to use Spectral Sight in Valdrakken multiple times without crash or loss of FPS.

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