Game crashing at the Garrison

When transitioning from the garrison to the exterior map, or vice versa, the game crashes. It seems to happen on one path. At this point when I try to log in on that character it just instantly crashes and I get the “You have been disconnected from the server” message. So It is now impossible for me to log into that character, which I would like to level. I have deleted the cache, but this doesn’t help.

It is a known bug… 100 % repeatable.

Character Stuck link:

Look at road… If road has a grass spot on hill and you go up or down the hill you will be disconnected.

Just go to left or right of road.
If you are going down hill you need to do the unstuck service.
If you are going up hill, just turn to left or right or go up the right side road.

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Thank you so much. I just used the Stuck Character Service on him, which I did not know existed!
And I will follow the advice you gave on going to the side of the road.


It maybe ok for you now.
Just look at the road.
I think the issue is …
Two different names for the same area.

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He’s good now. Was able to log in and he spawned at the nearest graveyard. Problem fixed and thank you again. I will probably just avoid that road and take the other one that goes into the garrison. Just to be safe.


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